Vega Gateways - TR069

Vega Gateways - TR069


Technical Report 069 (TR-069) is a customer-premises equipment WAN management protocol (CWMP) technical specification for remote management of end-user devices introduced by the broadband forum (formerly the DSL forum).

TR-069 uses a bi-directional SOAP/HTTP-based protocol at the application layer to specify CPE and auto configuration server communication.

Vega provides TR-069 functionality for remote provisioning.

TR069/CWMP Configuration

Please refer to TR069-TR-069/CWMPConfigurationParameters section for details of VEGA CWMP specific configuration parameters.

Configuration Via Vega GUI:

TR069/CWMP configuration is present within in System Tab under Expert Config Section  as shown below:

User can get further information  with respect to the configuration by simply moving mouse over or by clicking on the help image  as present beside the Configuration parameters value as shown below:

Once all changes are done clicking on submit will allow user to submit all the changes and then Apply/Save (or reboot as appropriate) in order to use new vega configuration.

NOTE: Applying TR069 Configuration on to TR069 Daemon via VEGA takes some time.

Configuration Via Vega CLI:

We can also use the CLI commands to change the CWMP configuration. 

set <parameter-name>=<value> 

For <parameter-name> please refer to TR069-TR-069/CWMPConfigurationParameters: section.

TR069/CWMP Configuration Parameters:

Please find some of important set of TR069 configuration parameters as can be configured in VEGA as given below:





Mapped to CWMP/TR069 spec

Use DHCP Option



If DHCP Option 43 is enable then VEGA will process TR069 required configuration parameters from DHCP response.




URL of the ACS server.

ACS Username



Username Used to authenticate the CPE when making a connection to the ACS.

ACS Password



Password Used to authenticate the CPE when making a connection to the ACS.

Period Inform Enable



Whether or not the CPE MUST periodically send CPE information to the ACS using the Inform method call.

Inform Interval



The duration in seconds of the interval for which the CPE MUST attempt to connect with the ACS and call the Inform method if PeriodicInformEnable is true

Connection Request URL

cwmp. con_req_url


HTTP URL, for an ACS to make a Connection Request notification to the CPE.

Connection Request Username



Username used to authenticate an ACS making a Connection Request to the CPE.

Connection Request Password



Password used to authenticate an ACS making a Connection Request to the CPE.

Manage Upgrades



Indicates whether or not the ACS will manage upgrades for the CPE. If true, the CPE SHOULD NOT use other means other than the ACS to seek out available upgrades. If false, the CPE MAY use other means for this purpose.


1) VEGA supports Option 43 processing only in DHCP response.

2) Connection Request fields i.e. URL/Username/Passwords fields is automatically set by VEGA TR069 stack, hence we can not edit this field from GUI, however ACS server can change the value of this parameter.

TR069/CWMP Status (via GUI)

TR069/CWMP Status/Logs regarding all information is present with in Status Tab under CWMP/TR-069 menu shown below:

Within CWMP/TR-069 section there are four buttons:

1)      Show Status
2)      Show Config
3)      Show Config Logs
4)      Show Client Logs

Show Status:

Show Status shows the ACS server status i.e. whether ACS server is in Connected or  Disconnected state. Click on the Show status button will open a pop windows to give the status in Detail useful in case of Disconnection to know the reason of Disconnect as shown below the ACS is disconnected due to Connection Timeout:

Show Config:

Show config shows the CWMP/TR069 daemon full configuration as applied by user and updated by ACS server that is currently running. Clicking on the Show config button will open a pop windows to give Details Configuration in CWMP Data model format as well as user readable format as shown below:

Show Config Logs:

Show config logs shows the CWMP/TR069 daemon configuration logs as applied via vega. Clicking on the Show config logs button will open a pop window to give Detailed Configuration logs for TR069 as applied by VEGA as shown below:

Show Client Logs:

Show client logs shows the CWMP/TR069 daemon client logs. Client logs maily contains the events received from ACS to CPE and then the action taken depending on the event received. Clicking on the Show client logs button will open a pop window to give Detailed Client logs for TR069 as shown below:

NOTE: Right now "show support" will provide all the information required to debug TR069 i.e. Configuration, Config/Client Logs, and ACS status.


VEGA CWMP/TR069 debugging

Please collect below logs in order to debug TR069 issue.

  1. VEGA show support as mentioned in Vega-Troubleshooting-Information 

  2. TR069 pcap trace.

How to get TR069 pcap trace:

  • Start pcap trace by login to vega linux box

  • Now Login to VEGA CLI either by telnet or SSH and execute below command -
    admin> cwmp restart

  • Wait for 30 sec to 1 min to let TR069 negotiation to finish. 

  • Stop pcap trace get the pcap trace


VEGA Advanced CLI Commands :

We can get the above explained out via cli command even. Please find the list of cwmp/TR069 cli command present in vega

  • cwmp show config: Show cwmp config

  • cwmp show log: Show cwmp config logs

  • cwmp show client log: Show cwmp client logs

  • cwmp show status: Show ACS status

  • show cwmp: To give all VEGA respective cwmp configuration parameters and its respected value as set on VEGA

  • cwmp restart: Restart cwmp daemon forcefully via vega cli.

Supported TR069 Methods:

Till now Vega only support below mentioned TR-069/CWMP functionality and perform accordingly as per request from ACS server.




To reboot CPE (VEGA)


To factory reset CPE (VEGA)


To upload config file on tftp server from CPE (VEGA)


To download config file on CPE (VEGA) from tftp server

NOTE: Right now VEGA only support tftp server for Upload and Download commands


TR069 configuration via DHCP: 

VEGA uses DHCP option 43 - Vendor specific information parameter to extract the TR069 required parameters from DHCP server response.

IF VEGA is configured to use IP from DHCP server then during boot time, Vega will send DHCP Request to DHCP server requesting various parameters including OPTION 43 i.e. vendor specific information. Once DHCP server receive this request it respond’s back with DHCP ACK with all requested parameters filled by Vega.

Option 43 should in vendor specific (i.e. VEGA) format as give below:

We should see option 43 present in DHCP request as present in following screenshot.

DHCP Request from VEGA:


DHCP Response from DHCP server:

If DHCP server wants to add TR069 parameters then need to send the Option 43 response.

Response should be this format: <Parameter ID> <Parameter Length> <Value>

Below are the set of parameters that can be set via Option 43 in DHCP response:












NOTE: Right now parameter URL i.e. 01 is only supported


E.g.: if Option 43 response should be "http://axtract-trial.axiros.com:7548/sangoma" the Option 43 needs to be configured as:

"01 44 68 74 74 70 3a 2f 2f 61 78 74 72 61 63 74 2d 74 72 69 61 6c 2e 61 78 69 72 6f 73 2e 63 6f 6d 3a 37 35 34 38 2f 73 61 6e 67 6f 6d 61"

where <01> is the parameter code, <44> is URL length and rest is URL in HEX value.


We should see option 43 response present in DHCP response as present in following screenshot.


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