Vega Gateways - Custom Tones

Vega Gateways - Custom Tones

By default, when you  configure your Vega using the Quick Config, On the Basic Config Tab, the tones for based On your Region / Country can be selected as shown below.

Selecting country :

  1. Country

Selecting the option "Country" will provide you the list of country variant we support.

  1. Version

If there are multiple variants(configuration files) of your country then "Version" will show you the list of file, select the desired variant as per your TELCO requirement

The Below example shows the Country IRAN , they have 6 Variants, as shown below.


If the Vega does not have the exact tones you require for your region (or your Region in the list of 'Country') use the following Guide.

At the end of this page is a list of pre-configured templates for specific Countries/regions.

  1. Identify the Country/Region that you require (that you did not find from Quick Config) and click to download to your local PC

  2. Log into the Vega WebUI and navigate to the Expert Config>System tab


  3. From this System webpage, select the "Choose" button from the "Send file to Gateway" section


  4. A window will pop up asking you to select the Tones configuration (which you downloaded in STEP 1).
    Once you have chosen the file, select Upload button which will immediately start configuring your Vega with the new tones configuration file.

  5. Make sure to save and apply all changes.


Country Config File list


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