Vega Gateways - How to configure ENP with FreePBX

Vega Gateways - How to configure ENP with FreePBX

Enhanced Network Proxy (ENP)

This guide will show how to do a typical configuration of ENP while we use FreePBX as an IP-PBX. Below is the network diagram for complete details. In this setup a single subnet was used, but the same steps can be followed for a PBX in the cloud type setup where multiple sub-nets are involved. Also notice here that the Vega50 is shown as two entities, one being the ENP and the other being the gateway. This is because the ENP is a "service" that is separate from the Vega gateway, but shares the same hardware. As well note the port of the gateway has been changed to 5062 and the port of ENP has been changed to 5060.

Step 1 : The first step here is to go to "Expert Config->ENP" and you will see the screenshot below. At this screen place the IP address of FreePBX into the "Realm" field (do not put the port). Then ensure the mode is set to "forward_to_itsp"  which forwards all messages to the ITSP.

Next add each  extensions username and password into the "SIP Proxy Auth Users" section ensuring each is enabled. In our example, we have 1001 and 1002 for ip phones and 0101-0104 for FXS ports and Once your extensions are registered you will see them listed in the "SIP Proxy Registered Users" section. We need to have same user and password in Freepbx, at the end of this page you will see how to add these extensions in FreePBX.

Note: If you do not want to duplicate the usernames and passwords on the Vega you can simply trust your entire subnet. This will tell the Vega to accept all registrations from the LAN without requesting a password. If the ITSP is up then a password will be requested from each phone. Only in the event of the ITSP failure will a password not be required from the specified LAN. For details on how to configure this go to Trust LAN when ITSP is Down.

Step 2: Continue scroll down the page until  you see the following sections. You can leave the filters empty, but this can be used to white list and blacklist certain IPs. Now go to the SIP ITSP Proxies section and enter your FreePBX's IP and port into the fields provided. You can also decrease the test interval as shown here down to a lower value of 10ms. Decreasing the test interval will cause options messages to be sent to your FreePBX more often, therefore when if the FreePBX goes down ENP will know about this within 10ms. Also ensure proxy test is set to "options".


Step 3 : Scrolling down to the Trunk Gateways section you can enable calls from to and from the PSTN, below all options are set to always to allow all directions. Next ensure the single trunk gateway is "separate" and check of "Is PSTN Gateway?", to ensure the Vega is being used as a trunk. Next you can enable (it is not enabled below) certain numbers like 911, to be dialed out the trunk gateway (FXO/PRI/BRI) directly. This is good for 911 because it will always go out the local POTS line rather than SIP. The last section should be set to "all" in the first column, this indicates that all trunks will be used in failover, so leave this as it is the default. 

Step 4: Now go to "Expert Config -> SIP -> SIP Profiles" and click "modify" on the first profile and you will see the info below. Enter the IP address of the FreePBX into the local domain field, leave all other settings as defaults. 

Step 5: Next scroll down the SIP profile 1 page and until you reach the section sip profile 1 proxy parameters 1 , click modify on the first SIP proxy and 

Step 6: Now enter the IP of the Vega (which is the IP of ENP ) into the field. Leave the port number at 5060 ( which is the port of ENP )

Step 7: Scroll down the SIP profile 1 page and until you reach the section Sip profile 1 registration parameters 1 , click "modify" next to the first register. 

Step 8: Now enter the IP of the Vega (which is the IP of ENP) into the field. Leave the port number at 5060 ( which is the port of ENP )

Step 9: Go to "Expert Config -> SIP" and you will see General at the top of the page. Change the port number to "5062" as shown below ( which is gateway port ). 

Step 10: Next in "Expert Config -> SIP" enable registration by checking the box shown in Registration.

Step 11: On the IP-phone you need to set outbound proxy as vega gateway and sip server would be FreePBX IP address

Step 12: In FreePBX we need to add same extensions,we will show you how to add one extension and you can report that for the rest:

Step 13: Click on Quick Create Extensions and add 1002 as an extension and click next until you get your extension added. After all steps, you can apply config to apply these changes.

Step 14: Check status in Vega and FreePBX

             When everything is set and phones are registered to the FreePBX through vega, in FreePBX, click on reports->asterisk info->peers 

and you will see this page which shows 1001 and 1002 are registered to the FreePBX and host is Vega IP address for these extensions

In the Vega, you can check Expert config -> ENP, when FreePBX is available , ITSP status shows up and extents are listed registered under SIP Proxy Registered Users. IF link between Vega and FreePBX is down, ITSP status will be down 

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