Vega Gateways - Vega CLI Commands
Vega Gateways - Vega CLI Commands
Commands Available
EXIT exit command line (logout)
HELP display (this) help message
HELP <command> display help on specified command(s)
HELP advanced display advanced commands help message
TCAP <file> <command> redirect command output to named TFTP file
CAP <file> <command> redirect command output to named FTP/TFTP file
APPLY actvate changed variables immediately
BILL DISPLAY [OFF|ON] turn billing display on/off
BILL OPTIONS SAVE save billing options to config system (will require a "save" afterwards)
BILL [OFF|ON|Z|CLEAR|DEFAULT] turn billing on/off, log zero entries, clear bill records or set default options
CALLTRANSFER [INVOKE|RESULT|REJECT] <Source String> Send a Facility Message to TN
CD <path> change current configuration path to <path>
CLEAR STATS clear entity statistics table
CLEAR WARNINGS clear system warnings
CLI LOCK Lock Cli User
COPY <srce> <dest> Copy from file 'srce' to file 'dest'
CP <path> change current configuration path to <path>
DEL <filename> Delete a file
DELETE <path> delete an existing configuration entry
DIAGS Logout and enter the diagnostics menu
DIR Output a list of files stored on FLASH
DISC <index> disconnect an active call index
DISC ALL disconnect all active calls
DISP <x> <y> <string> Display a string on the LCD at pos x:y
DSLR <dsl> Read all registers on a DSL
DSLRR <dsl> <reg> Read a register on a DSL (1xx for SIGX registers, 2xx for RPSC registers, 3xx for TPSC registers
DSLWR <dsl> <reg> <value> Write a register on a DSL (1xx for SIGX registers, 2xx for RPSC registers, 3xx for TPSC registers
DSPDIAG [RAW|VSTATS|ERROR|RXTX|LEVELS|FMSTATS|FSTATS|FCSTATS|QOS|VALL|FALL] <chan> send a diagnostic command to a specified DSP channel
DUMP LOG <call ref> dump system log & settings
FACTORY RESET reset config to factory defaults
FACTORY RESET EXCLUDE <section> reset config to factory defaults
FORMAT <filesystem> (Re)format a file system
GET <file> read configuration file <string> from TFTP/FTP/HTTPS/HTTP server
HANDLE <handle> <level> <recurse> Display Handle information
HDUMP Display all busy handles information
HIGHWAY CHECK Check highway entry (options=ALL)
HLIST <type> <level> <recurse> Display Busy Handles information
KILL <id> terminate logged in session <id>
KILL ALL terminate all logged in sessions (except user)
LOG DISPLAY [OFF|ON|C|I|A|W|F|E|X|V] turn log display on/off, or specify filter
LOG OPTIONS SAVE save logging options to config system (will require a "save" afterwards)
LOG [OFF|ON|C|I|A|W|F|E|X|V|CLEAR|DEFAULT] turn logging on/off, clear it, or specify filter
NEW <path> create a new configuration entry
PASSWORD Change a user's password
PING <IP address/host name> ping an IP host
PLAN <number> select dial plan <number>
POST PROFILE select post profile
PROFILE <number> select dial planner profile <number>
PURGE <path> delete all except the first configuration entry
PUT <file> <sect> write configuration section <sect> to TFTP/FTP/HTTPS/HTTP server as <file>
QOS CLEAR Clear stored QoS statistic.
QOS REPORT [OFF|ON] Turns QoS stats reporting on this terminal on/off.
QUICK APPLY apply quick config
QUICK TEST test if quick config is out of synch
RADIUS LOGIN TEST test radius login configuration - RADIUS LOGIN TEST <username> <password>
REBOOT SYSTEM reboot system (options: BLOCK, CLEAR, IDLE)
REPAIR <filesystem> Repair a file system
RLPSR <dsl> Read RLPS RAM on a DSL
SAVE save changed variables for next reboot
SET <string1> <string2> set an existing config entry named <string1> to <string2>
SET DATE <digits> change current date <digits> = ddmmyy[yy]
SET TIME <digits> change current time <digits> = hhmmss
SHOUT <string> Shout message to other admin user
SHOW <string> <string1> show configuration entry named <string>. If <string1> is 'status','changes' or 'verbose', different reports with changed entries are displayed.
SHOW ARP show ARP cache
SHOW BANNER show system identification information
SHOW BILL show system billing log
SHOW CALLS show call summary table
SHOW CHECKSUM show application checksum
SHOW FIXED TONES show fixed tones
SHOW GROUPS <interface> show sorted group contents
SHOW HOSTS show local host table contents
SHOW IP <string> show LAN configuration for <string>. <string> can be one of FTP, TFTP, NTP, DNS or all.
SHOW LAN ROUTES show lan routing table
SHOW LANCFG <string> show LAN configuration for <string>. <string> can be one of FTP, TFTP, NTP, DNS or all.
SHOW LICENSE show vega license
SHOW LOG show system log & settings
SHOW PATHS <interface> show sorted dialing plan contents
SHOW PLAN show dialing plan contents
SHOW PORTS show active port summary table
SHOW POST PATHS show sorted post profile contents
SHOW QOS CDR Display all stored CDRs in chronological order.
SHOW QOS CDR LAST Displays last stored QoS CDR.
SHOW QOS STATS Display gateway QoS statistics.
SHOW REBOOT show last reboot cause
SHOW STATS show system memory, network, and task stats
SHOW SWITCH show switch configuration for port mirroring.
SHOW SYSLOG show syslog statistics
SHOW TIME show current time and date
SHOW VERSION show system version information
SHOWDSP <channel> display the status of 1 or all DSP channels
SIP CANCEL REG send SIP cancel registration messages
SIP MONITOR turn SIP monitor ON/OFF with options UA/ENP/REG
SIP REG send SIP registration messages
SIP RESET REG reconfigure SIP registration parameters
SIP SHOW CONNECTIONS show state of all SIP connections
SIP SHOW DIALOG show dialog event subscribers
SIP SHOW KPML show KPML subscribers
SIP SHOW REG show registration information
SIP SHOW STATE show state of all SIP call legs
SPIREAD <device> <address> <datalength> Read data from a device on the SPI bus
SPIWRITE <device> <address> <data> Write data to a device on the SPI bus
STATUS BUFFERS show buffer status
STATUS NAT show nat tables
STATUS SOCKETS show socket status
STATUS SUPPSERV Dump status of supplementary services control blocks
SYNC TIME read time and date from NTP time server
TESTCLI <Route Index> <[Optional Calling Party Number]> Send a Call Waiting to a channel
TESTDSL <Port> Tests the DSL port connectivity
TESTDSP <test> Reset and reprogram DSP
TESTLED [OFF|ON] Turn all LEDs either on or off
TESTMWI <Source String> <0(off)/1(on)> Route a Message Waiting Indicator to a Destination
TESTSWITCH <port> Tests the Ethernet switch <port>.<port> can be 0 to disable all,1-3 to enable LANn or 4 to enable all
TGET <file> read configuration file <string> from TFTP server, now obsolete
TPUT <file> <sect> write configuration section <sect> to TFTP server as <file>, now obsolete
TYPE <filename> Show contents of a file
WARNINGS show system warnings
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