Vega Gateways - Switchvox Trunking Configuration

Vega Gateways - Switchvox Trunking Configuration


This document will guide you through the process of configuring Vega series of Gateway’s to work with Switchvox.  There are two major installations - 1) T1/E1/BRI and FXO for Trunking solutions, 2) FXS for Analog stations.


For Trunking solutions, Vega Gateway to Switchvox Configuration Guide provides detailed information about the configuration requirements in Vega series of Gateways Vega 60G, Vega 100G, Vega 200G, Vega 400G.  A typical deployment connects PSTN Network to Vega Gateway on one side using Vega T1/E1/BRI and FXO interface and Switchvox IP-PBX on the other side.   Using SIP Protocol the Vega and the Switchvox create a Trunk together.

For Analog Station solutions.  Vega Gateway to Switchvox Configuration Guide provides detailed information about the configuration requirements in Vega series of Gateways Vega 60G, Vega 3000G and Vega 3050G. A typical deployment connects POTS phones to the FXS interface of the Vega Gateway and the Vega connects to the Switchvox IP-PBX, registering all of the FXS Extensions to the Switchvox.


Digital Trunking

Bringing PSTN Trunks into the Vega and deliver the calls to the Switchvox.

Switchvox Configuration

General Configuration

The Switchvox will typically have a Static IP or Fully Qualified Domain Name.  In this configuration we are defining the Vega Gateway as a VoIP Provider, then assigning a Outgoing Calls and Incoming Calls to/from the Vega Gateway.

VoIP Provider

Open the VoIP Providers tab.  ( Setup > VoIP providers )


Click Create SIP Provider.


Under Provider Information complete the following information:

  • SIP Provider Name:  Any Name - Vega 200G

  • Your Account ID:  The account ID provided to you by your SIP provider. This will not be needed.

  • Your Password:  The password for the account

  • Hostname/IP Address: IP Address of the Vega Gateway

  • Callback Extension:  The extension to ring when a voice call comes in over this provider or channel. Callback extensions can be any extension type (your receptionist’s phone, an IVR, etc.).


Under Peer Settings complete the following information

  • Host Type: Select Peer as the type

Note:  When Peer is selected, the Switchvox Admin GUI doesn't report on the state of that peer, so it shows up as Unmonitored in the Server>Connection Status>VoIP Providers.


Click "Save SIP Provider"


Incoming Calls

Open the Incoming Calls tab.  ( Setup > Incoming Calls )


Click Create Single DID Route.  (or Ranged DID Route)


Under Single DID Route Settings complete the following information:

  • Rule Name:  Any Name - Vega 200G

  • Incoming DID to Match:  Enter in the DID being delivered from the Vega Gateway Digital Trunks, or

  • Incoming Provider:  Select the Vega Gateway VoIP Provider defined earlier

  • Incoming Call Type: Select Voice Calls

  • Extension to Route Call:  Select the extension to ring when a voice call comes in over this provider or channel. Callback extensions can be any extension type (your receptionist’s phone, an IVR, etc.).


Click "Save Single DID Route"


Outgoing Calls

Open the Outgoing Calls tab.  ( Setup > Outgoing Calls )


Modify all needed pre-configured Outgoing Call Rules



When Modifying or Creating the Outgoing Call Rule, under Call Trough - the Primary Call Trough Provider - Select the Vega Gateway created from the VoIP Provider


Click "Save Outgoing Call Route"


Vega Gateway Configuration

General Configuration


All Vega Gateways use DHCP to assign an IP Address.  Plug the Vega Gateway to the network, DHCP will assign an IP Address to the unit.  To know what the IP Address that was assigned to Vega do one of the following;

  • Attach Serial Cable to the Vega, 115200 8N1, login admin/admin - IP Address will be displayed on the Banner, or type Show Banner

  • Refer to the DHCP Server reservation

  • Use a network scan tool, look for the IP based on the MAC


Use of Static IP

NOTE: Although the out-of-the-box Vega Gateway obtains an IP Address dynamically, it is recommended that Gateways use a Static IP Address.  Configuration of Static IP will be done in each section.


Quick Config

Quick Config is the Vega Gateway's configuration Wizard.  The Wizard asks some specific questions related to the nature of your installation and upon Saving Configuration, the Wizard will complete the programming of the Vega Gateway, through the entire Expert Config.  This document will focus on the Quick Config wizard and any supplemental Expert Config requirements.  All Quick Config are the same across all Vega Gateways, although specific to Analog or Digital options for corresponding Gateway interfaces.

Quick Config

When you login into the Vega Gateway, the System Status page is seen,



Click on Configuration


Click on Quick Config, a Warning will pop up, reminding you that any Edits here will overwrite the config. Click Continue



Quick Config - Step 1 - Basic Configuration

First step in the Quick Config wizard, items such as Country, Time Zone, Emergency Numbers and LAN Interface details,


Select the appropriate Country, this is important to define the correct CallerID, Tones, Line Impedance, Digital framing and more for your region.

Change the Gateway from Dynamic IP to Static IP, this is not necessary, but recommended.

  • Deselect "Obtain IP Settings automatically Using DHCP"

  • Enter in the IP Address, Subnet Mask, Default Gateway, DNS Servers and NTP Server


Quick Config - Step 2 - VoIP

This section is where the Switchvox is defined, as well as the behavior with the Switchvox.



General VoIP Configuration - Registration Mode

Here there are potentially three options, only two applicable to Digital Trunking:  OFF and GATEWAY 

  • Select OFF, when there is no requirement to REGISTER or Authenticate with the Switchvox.  It would be important that the Gateway and Switchvox have static IP Addresses.


Remote Server Configuration

Here is where the Switchvox location is configured, along with the SIP Port, Transport, SIP Accessibility Check (OPTIONS Ping) and if the Registration Mode: Gateway was selected, the Registration Username and Password

  • SIP Server IP/FQDN: Enter the IP Address or Fully Qualified Domain Name of the Switchvox

  • SIP Server Port: Enter the SIP Port of the Switchvox - 5060 is most common

  • SIP Server Transport Mode: Select the Transport being used.  UDP/TCP/TLS

  • SIP Accessibility Check: Select Options

  • Registration/Authentication ID:  Because Registration Mode is OFF, there will be no Registration to the Switchvox - you cannot edit this field

  • Authentication Password:  Because Registration Mode is OFF, there will be no Registration to the Switchvox - you cannot edit this field


Quick Config - Step 3 - T1/E1/BRI

This section is where the Vega Gateway Digital interfaces are defined, this section changes depending on the Vega Gateway variant and Country selected.  But all versions are very similar,


Telephone Connections

Interface:  0401  0402  0403  0404   04xx - Digital T1/E1  03xx - BRI   0401 - 1st T1 Interface

Handle Emergency Calls?: Optional.  Enabling this setting in Quick Config will instruct the wizard to configure a specific Emergency Route Dial Plan with Emergency Numbers, like 911 into the dial plan route.  This will also group all the interfaces that have been selected here into a Presentation Group, (or hunting group) to ensure that all ports are available for outbound Emergency Calls.  Even if not selected, Emergency Calls will still be processed as normal through the standard Dial Plan.  This is a setting in an extra feature to allow for a Unique Emergency Dial Plan and groupings of multiple ports for the specific use of emergency calls.

Telephone number list:  This is configured as " .* " which is routing terminology for any telephone number character with any length of characters.  The field defines which telephone numbers will route out to the E1/T1 trunk interfaces. The Telephone number list will need to be configured for EACH E1/T1 port that is being used


Port Configurations

NT?:  Defines whether each interface should be configured as NT or TE.   The most common setting is TE mode when connecting to a carrier, as the carrier is the Master Clock.   IF the Vega will be emulating a Telco, this should be set to NT mode.  This field should be configured for EACH E1/T1 port that is being used (by default E1/T1 2 and 4 are NT mode)
Protocol:  Defines which Protocol is to be used for the E1 or T1 links. this will depend completely on the country and Telco that gateway is to operate against

  • For T1: NI(NI2), QSIG, dms, dms_m1 att, CAS-RBS, CASPW, arin and Auto will attempt identify the correct protocol being used

  • For E1/BRI:  ETSI (EURO ISDN), QSIG, VN, CAS-R2, CAS-PW, arinc, 1tr6 and Auto will attempt identify the correct protocol being used


Save Configuration

You are done.  Press Save Configuration.

You will have to reboot as well when changing IP Addresses.


Analog Trunking

Switchvox Configuration

This is the same as Digital Trunking.


Vega Gateway Configuration

General Configuration

This is mostly the same as Digital Trunking, with one exception, Analog Trunks simply Ring on the FXO line, and need additional configuration to assign a DID to call the Switchvox.

Therefore, the sections above, Quick Config, Quick Config - Step 1 - Basic Configuration, and Quick Config - Step 2 - VoIP are exactly the same.  Only Quick Config Step 3 is different.


Quick Config - Step 3 - FXO

This section is where the FXO interfaces are defined in the Vega 60G & Vega 3050G with optional 2 Port FXO Module.   This section changes depending on the Vega Gateway variant and Country selected.  But all versions are very similar - as Caller ID Type may change depending on Country selected.

FXO Lines do not natively provide DID, they simply Ring.  But in SIP, the Gateway needs to convert the Ringing into a DID to send to the Switchvox.


FXO - Telephone Connections

  • Enable Caller ID Detection:  This enables the FXO port to detect CallerID provided by the P Carrier.   How it detects is Caller ID Type Information field.

  • Numeric Caller ID:  This is the Numeric CallerID that will be presented to the Switchvox when there is No CallerID provided by the carrier.

  • Textual Caller ID:  This is the Name CallerID that will be presented to the Switchvox when there is No CallerID provided by the carrier.

  • Telephone number(s) to route to FXO interface:  Written in Regular Expression, .* means any character, with any number of characters.  This field is for any matching of Dialed numbers into the gateway that needs to match for a specific port.  .* is good for most all applications.

  • DID to Forward to SIP:  When the FXO port rings, the Gateway will send the DID assigned here as the dialed number into the Switchvox.  Enter a DID here that matches the Incoming Calls - Incoming DID to Match field assigned earlier.


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