Inbound calls go directly to voicemail

Inbound calls go directly to voicemail

If you are having problems with inbound calls going directly to voicemail please review the following. Typically calls going directly to voicemail is a result of a phone being on DND or not registered.


Screen Shot 2013-03-24 at 7.50.01 PM.png


  • Is Do Not Disturb on?

    • Check DND.  Make sure the phone is not on DND.  You can dial the DND toggle feature code which by default  is *76.  This will verify that either DND is on or off

  • Is the Phone Registered?

    • Log into the Admin GUI and click on the Asterisk Info Module .  You should see a screen like below.  On the right side click on the Peers Options



    • Now you should see a screen like below and you can scroll down to the extension your are looking for and check the status to make sure it shows OK.   If it does not show OK this usually means the phone is not registered.

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