Phones - BLF Key Presses

Phones - BLF Key Presses


By default when you press a BLF button programmed on your phone the following behavior will occur.

  • If the Extensions BLF is not Ringing or Not in Use it will ring them.

  • If the Extensions BLF is Ringing it will do a directed call pickup to let you intercept the call.

  • If you are on a active call and you press a Extensions BLF it will transfer your active call to the BLF Extension you pressed.


You can change the default dial behavior based on the state of the BLF and using a long or short press of the BLF button. The following is a list of behaviors you can set globally per Template in End Point Manager.

  • Short Press- BLF Not In Use (Idle) (Green BLF)

  • Short Press- BLF In Use (Red BLF)

  • Long Press- BLF Not in User (Idle) (Green BLF)

  • Long Press- BLF In Use (Red BLF)

  • Long Press- BLF Ring (Blinking Red BLF)

For each state above you can optionally include a feature code prefix that will be dialed when the condition is met along with the BLF extension number.  A long Press is pressing and holding the BLF for 1 second or more.


Below is a typical example of how you might change the Key Presses to provide additional features for your users.  




For the Short Press Idle State we want it to intercom the user so their phone will auto answer.  The feature code for Intercom on your PBX is *80 so we would add the *80 Prefix to the BLF Short Press Idle state.  

For the Short Press In Use State we want the call to go right to voicemail when we call them since they are on a call already.  The feature code for Direct Dial Voicemail on your PBX is * so we would add * Prefix in the BLF Short Press In User State.

For the Long Press Idle we would add no Prefix this way we can just call the extension normal if we long press the BLF button and not have it auto answer the call.

For the Long Press In User State we would add no prefix this way if they are on a call but we really want our call to ring them we would long press their BLF since the Short Press is setup to add the voicemail prefix and go right to the users voicemail box.

Setting up Key Press Feature Codes.

  • Go into EndPoint Manager in your PBX and select the Sangoma brand in the menu.




  • Click on the template that you want to change the notification for.




  • Click on the Options tab at the top




  • Scroll down to the BLF Press Options as shown below.


  • You now need to update the phone configuration file. The three options at the bottom of the template are:


    • Save Template- This will only save your changes into the PBX database. It will not write out new config files for the phones that are using this template as mapped in the Extension Mapping section of End Point Manager.

    • and Rebuild Configs- This will save your changes to the PBX Database and will also write out new config files for the phones that are using this template as mapped in the Extension Mapping section of End Point Manager. The phones will need to be rebooted in order to retrieve the changes.

    • and Force Update- This will do both the "Save Template" and the "and Rebuild Configs" options above, and it will also immediately update any phones that are mapped to use this template and currently registered to the PBX, with no need to reboot the phones.

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