Vega Gateways - Trust LAN when ITSP is Down

Vega Gateways - Trust LAN when ITSP is Down

When the ITSP is down there is two modes for registration. The first mode is shown at ENP in step #1, this forces you to enter each extensions password. This can become very bulky in many uses cases and the second mode may be preferred. 

The second mode is to trust the entire subnet(LAN). This works by telling the Vega a range of IPs to trust, then when a device on one of these IPs tries to register a 200OK will be sent in response. Therefore there will be no password requested. This allows you to avoid having to enter the password for each phone into the Vega. To specify an entire subnet to trust follow the steps below. 


1) Expert Config -> ENP then go to Trusted IP Addresses and enable the first row. At this point specify the min IP and the max IP in the range of IPs you wish to allow. The screen shot below will allow -, so the192.168.200.0/24 subnet. Once this is done click submit and then apply and save the changes on the Vega. 


2) This can be tested by bringing down the ITSP then registering a phone again via the ENP. You can check the status of the ITSP in Expert Config -> ENP

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