Dialogic IMG - IMG 1010 - H.323 Signaling Object
Use this pane to assign a Network Interface for H.323 Signaling and various H.323 configuration.
Accessing this Pane
Dialogic IMG EMS -> Logical IMG -> Physical IMG -> Signaling -> H323
Maximum Objects:
(1) H.323 Signaling Object per Physical IMG Object
Related Topics:
IMG 1010 - Adding an External H.323 Gatekeeper
Technical Notes:
When configuring H323 Signaling, the following happens:
DataManager builds and sends a VOIP Protocol Configure message to the Logical IMG. This message contains TLVs that convey the user-specified values from each field of this object. Additional VOIP Protocol Configure messages are then sent to the Logical IMG if External Gatekeeper or Alternate Gatekeepers are defined. These messages contain the user-specified values from the Gatekeeper objects.
ClientView Pane:
Field Descriptions:
Fields with an asterisk (*) are only required if you are communicating with an H.323 gatekeeper. Once you have registered with a gatekeeper these fields cannot be changed until you un-register and then re-register.
H.323 Id:
This field defines the H.323 Id to be used by the concerned Network Interface. This must be unique per all IMG's registering with the same Gatekeeper. Subsequent changes cannot be made to this field if 'Gatekeeper Support' field is set to enabled and the IMG is registered with a gatekeeper. To change the ID, Click in the field and enter new ID.
H.323 Signaling IP Address:
Select from drop down menu the IP Address of the Network Interface being provisioned for H.323 Signaling.
H.245 Tunneling:
Enable- Enable H.245 tunneling and embed the H.245 message in the H.225 connection
Disable- Do not enable H.245 tunneling and allow the H.245 messages to take place on a different channel than the H.225 connection
This field enables inbound tunneling. You can enable outbound tunneling in the IMG 1010 - IP Bearer Profile used for outbound calls. See IMG 1010 - H245 Tunneling.
Gatekeeper Support:
The Gatekeeper Support field allows a user to Enable or Disable whether the IMG will be communicating with a Gatekeeper for services such as address translation and network access control.
Enabled - Allows the 2020 IMG to communicate with an external H.323 gatekeeper. The Gatekeeper must be configured in the IMG 1010 - External Gatekeeper pane. Once the IMG has registered with a Gatekeeper, changes to the GateKeeper related fields (indicated below with an asterisk) will not be allowed.
Disabled- Upon changing this field to Disabled, the IMG will automatically send a URQ (unregistration request) message to the Gatekeeper.
E.164 Number *:
This field specifies an alias for the H.323 gateway as an ITU E.164 number. You cannot make subsequent changes to this field if Gatekeeper Support is enabled.
Gateway URL *:
This field specifies an alias for the H.323 gateway as a Uniform Resource Locator (URL). You cannot make subsequent changes to this field if Gatekeeper Support is enabled.
Gateway EMail *:
This field specifies an alias for the H.323 gateway as an e-mail address. You cannot make subsequent changes to this field if Gatekeeper Support is enabled.
H323 Variant:
This specifies the H.323 variant being used. This field cannot be changed.
ITU- International Telecommunications Union
H323 Version:
This specifies the H.323 version being used. This field cannot be changed.
H.323 V2: Version 2
H323 terminal Type:
This specifies the H.323 terminal type being used. This field cannot be changed. The value, GW with no MC: Gateway with no Media Controller, is used in an H.245 MSD procedure.
Gateway Technology Prefix *:
If your gatekeeper requires a prefix, enter it here. The default is 1#.
You must also add and strip the prefix when routing to a gatekeeper. See IMG 1010 - Configuring Digit Matching and Translation .
Initiate TCS on all Incoming Calls:
Enable (default)- The IMG will not start the H.245 timers on an Incoming fastStart call. The H245 ppl will remain in state 41 until H225 notifies H245 that the call is released, an H245 EndSession Message or a TCS is received. If the TCS message is received all the timers are started and the IMG expects to get all the mandatory messages or the call will get released
Disable - The IMG will start the H.245 timers on an Incoming fastStart call.
Monitoring Fields:
Gatekeeper Connection Status
Once the IMG discovers a gatekeeper or registers the name, the gatekeeper name will display here. If no gatekeepers are discovered then the status will show 'Undiscovered'
You can Discover and Register with a gatekeeper manually using these buttons. To automatically Discover and Register with a gatekeeper, enable Gatekeeper Auto Discovery in the External Gatekeeper pane. To make changes to a gatekeeper that is currently registered, you must Unregister, make changes, then Discover and Register again.
Discover GK |
Register with GK |
Unregister with GK |