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Table of Contents

F-1253 IPV6

Brief Description:

With the introduction of feature F-1253 IPv6 Support, the IMG 2020 now supports the IPv6 protocol. The stack employed for this functionality is a dual IPv4/IPv6 network stack that is IPv6 Ready Phase II certified that supports mixing the IPv6 and IPv4 protocols. For more information, refer to the links in the Related Topics section below.


Related Topics:

IPv6 / IPv4 Overview

Channel Group


In addition to the overview topic in the Related Topics section, the following objects and procedures have been impacted by IPv6 or combination of IPv6/Multiple SIP IP's features being added to the IMG 2020. Refer to each topic for the updated information.

Configure DNS

External Gateway 

DNS Servers 

DNS Server

DNS Server Associations

DNS Server Association

DNS Clients

DNS Client

SIP Signaling - IP Address

IP Address

Packet Facility

F-1291 Support for tel URI RFC 3966


Tel URI (RFC 3966) is a unique identifier that is expressed using either an Address-of-Record or a Dial String. Feature F-1291 adds tel URI support to the IMG 2020. With the inclusion of this feature, the IMG 2020 can receive the tel URI information in a SIP request of an incoming call and pass the same tel URI information to the outgoing SIP leg. The tel URI will be separated into two parts: the phone number and the optional parameters. This will allow the phone number to be used for routing in the same way as for SIP URI while the optional parameters can still be sent out as received. The tel URI functionality is by default enabled and cannot be disabled. Refer to the topic links in the Related Topics section below.


Related Topics:

tel URI 

F-1675 Ethernet Redundancy via Smart Probing


The second part of this feature allows the customer to initiate a link switchover manually. A manual switchover can be executed from the Logical Interface object within the Web GUI. The manual switchover was added to allow a customer the ability to switch from one network to another. An Event such as maintenance to a specific network is now possible by switching away from the network that needs maintenance to a different network that could handle any traffic while maintenance is being performed. Below is diagram displaying the Smart-Probing Via Ethernet Redundancy feature using ports Data A0 and Data A1.


Related Topics:

Ethernet Redundancy via Smart Probe 

Smart Probe Detection 

Smart Probe Endpoint 

F-6294 Precondition (RFC 3312) and P-Early-Media Header (RFC 5009)


Feature F-6294 was developed for a customers application and uses the Precondition and P-Early-Media Header functionality. The Precondition and the P-Early-Media Header are used to indicate that resources are allocated. Once the resources are allocated, media streams are available for transmission and reception. Refer to the topic in the Related Topics section below for more information.


Related Topics:

Precondition and P-Early-Media Header Support 

F-6295 Passing Unsupported SIP Headers


If a SIP Header that is not supported on the IMG 2020 is received, this header would normally be dropped. F-6295 Passing Unsupported Headers changes that behavior by giving the user a choice whether a header that is not supported on the IMG 2020 can be passed to the outgoing leg or be dropped. The functionality is configurable through the SIP Headers object and by default is set to Disabled. Refer to the topic links in the Related Topics section below for more information.


Related Topics:

SIP Profile - Headers 

Passing Unsupported SIP Headers (SIP to SIP) 

F-6296 Overload Control Support


Refer to the topics in the Related Topics section below for more information.


Related Topics:

SIP Overload Control Overview 

SIP Signaling - Overload Control 

F-6318 Private Alarm MIB


A new private MIB was added to the dictionary.dialogic file. Prior to software Release 2.2, alarm information was displayed using the standard MIB described in RFC 3877. Feature F-6318 Private Alarm MIB enables the alarms generated by the IMG 2020 to be displayed via SNMP. Refer to topic in Related Topics below.

Related Topics:

SNMP - Private MIBs 

F-6381 User Management

Brief Description:


Feature F-6381 also modifies the password requirements when creating and modifying New and Existing Users. The Password requirements have been tightened so that only passwords that meet the requirements will be allowed. Refer to the Username Password Rules topic for information on the new requirements.


Related Topics:



Certificate Database


F-6416 Configurable Text Banner in Web GUI Login Dialog Box


When logging into the Web GUI a Login Banner is displayed. Previous to F-6416, the login banner displayed fields where a username and password could be entered. With the addition of F-6416 Configurable text banner in Web GUI Login Dialog Box a banner screen can be added to the Login Box that can display any text that a user decides. Refer to the links in the Related Topics section below for more information on how to set up the dialog box to display a text banner prior to logging into the Web GUI.


Related Topics:

Configurable Login Text Banner 

F-6442 Cause Code Mapping


The IMG 2020 currently has the ability to receive a cause code on an outgoing leg from any supported protocol (SIP, ISUP, H.323) and interwork that cause code into either the same protocol or a different protocol on the incoming leg. Feature F-6442 adds new functionality pertaining to cause code mapping. With the addition of this feature, the IMG 2020 can now map a cause code received on the outgoing leg to any other supported cause code. Once mapped, it is then transmitted out the incoming leg using the newly mapped cause code. Again, this functionality is supported between any of the supported protocols (SIP-SIP, SIP-ISUP, ISUP-ISUP, ISUP-SIP).


Related Topics:

Cause Code Values 

Cause Code Mappings 

Cause Code Conversions

Reject Call with a Cause Code

Customize / Map Cause Codes

Cause Code Tables

Cause Code Table

Cause Code Table Element

F-6443 Passing Referred-By Header in INVITE Message


The Referred-By Header which is an optional header in the REFER request provides the recipient of the REFER message information on the originator of the request. Currently on the IMG 2020, it depends on the call flow as to whether the Referred-By header is passed or dropped. The new functionality added in F-6443 passes the Referred-by Header from the incoming to outgoing leg on a SIP to SIP call. Prior to this feature, the Referred-By Header was dropped. The new functionality encompasses both the Referred-By header in both the SIP-URI and tel-URI and is by default always enabled and cannot be disabled. Refer to the links in Related Topics section below.


Related Topics:

Passing Referred-By Header (SIP to SIP) 

F-6445 Support for P-Asserted-Identity Header with 2 URIs


According to RFC 3325 section 9.1 "There may be one or two P-Asserted-Identity values. If there is one value, it must be a sip, sips, or tel URI. If there are two values, one value must be a sip or sips URI and the other MUST be a tel URI." Prior to the addition of feature F-6445 Passing P-Asserted-ID with two URI's, the IMG 2020 could pass only one P-Asserted-Identity value from an incoming SIP network to outgoing SIP network. With the addition of this feature, the IMG 2020 can now pass two P-Asserted-Identity Headers as long as RFC 3325 section 9.1 is adhered to. The functionality is by default enabled and cannot be disabled. Refer to the information in the Related topics below.


Related Topics:

Passing P-Asserted-ID with two URIs (SIP to SIP) 

F-6467 SNMP Trap to Report STM-1 Interface Status


Prior to Release 2.2, if the IMG 2020 received a SIP 180 Ringing from the egress or b leg of a call, the IMG 2020 would not propagate the 180 Ringing to the ingress or A leg of the call. Instead, a 183 Progress message with SDP and ringing tone would be generated and transmitted out the ingress or A leg side. Feature F-6480 adds new functionality when receiving the 180 Ringing message. The user can now choose between the current functionality or can configure the IMG 2020 to generate and transmit a 180 Ringing message to the ingress or A leg. Refer to the topic in the Related Topics section below.


Related Topics:

SIP Profile - SGP 

F-6481 Gateway Range for SIP and H.323 (Subnet Prefix Field)


The field Allowed Gateway Subnet Prefix field was added to the External Gateway object so the IMG 2020 can be configured to accept calls from multiple gateways with one entry. The value entered in the new field Allowed Gateway Subnet Prefix field will work in conjunction with the value entered in the IP Address field to determine the range of IP Addresses from which the IMG 2020 will accept any calls. If the Incoming IP Address equals one of the IP Addresses in the range set up then the call will be processed. The allowed values in the Allowed Gateway Subnet Prefix field range from 0 to 32. Refer to the link in the Related Topics section below for more information on this feature.


Related Topics:

External Gateway 

F-6482 Configurable Expires Header


The Expires Header limits the time the SIP INVITE message is valid. If the time configured in this header expires and no answer has been received from the far end, the User Agent Client will cancel the INVITE request. Feature F-6482 adds an INVITE Expires field to the SIP Headers object and allows a user the ability to modify the Expires Header timer value.


Related Topics:

SIP Profile - Headers 

F-6483 Configurable User Agent and Server Headers


Feature F-6483 adds both the User-Agent and Server fields to the SIP Headers object. These two fields enable or disable whether the SIP User-Agent or SIP Server Headers will be included in the SIP messaging being sent between a User Agent Client and User Agent Server. Refer to the link in the Related Topics section for more information on the added functionality.


Related Topics:

 SIP Profile - Headers

F-6484 Configurable Call Answer Timeout and 183 Periodic Retransmission


Refer to the topics in the Related Topics section below.


Related Topics:

Call Answer Timeout and 183 Periodic Retransmission functionality 

SIP Profile - Advanced Settings 

Upgrade EMS and BDN System Software


An upgrade to a newer EMS and system software is required to make use of any new functionality that may have been added. Follow the procedure in the Software Upgrade - EMS System topic for information on upgrading both the EMS software running Red Hat Enterprise Linux on a separate VM along with the system software running on the IMG 2020 node.


In the possible event that the upgrade procedure had issues or did not solve the intent of the upgrade, a rollback procedure can be executed to rollback to the previous EMS and node software. Follow the procedure in the Software Rollback - EMS/System topic for information on rolling back both the EMS software running Red Hat Enterprise Linux on a separate VM along with the system software running on the IMG 2020 node.
