10.5.2_ER3 - An Overview of Features


F-5134 SS7 Link Out of Service Handling

Brief Description:

Since SS7 is a CCS protocol, the voice and signaling use separate channels. Prior to IMG release 10.5.2_ER3 if a signaling link goes down, and the CIC is in a ringing or answered state, the call will be dropped and CIC taken Out Of Service. Feature F-5134 adds to the IMG the ability to keep any CIC's which are in the ringing or answered state 'In Service' until a subsequent condition exists that eventually will take the CIC Out Of Service. For more information on this feature or its functionality see the links under the Related Topics section below.

Note: Feature F-5134 SS7 Link Out Of Service was added to software 10.5.2_ER3 only. The feature was not added to any other build until 10.5.3_ER1. From there, all subsequent builds after 10.5.3_ER1 will have the feature in it.

Related Topics:

IMG 1010 - ISUP Group - ITU / ETSI

IMG 1010 - ISUP Group - ANSI

IMG 1010 - ISUP Group - JTISUP

IMG 1010 - SS7 Link OOS Handling


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