10.5.3_SP7 - An Overview of Features


F-5426 Removal of leading zero in Redirecting Number

Brief Description:

During the Interworking of the SIP Diversion Header to the SS7 Redirecting Number, the IMG can be configured to remove the leading zero from the interworked SS7 Redirecting Number. The feature is configurable through ClientView and can be either enabled or disabled. Refer to the linked topics in the Related Topics section below for more information.

Related Topics:

 IMG 1010 - Interworking from SIP to ISUP

F-5697 Support CACTI on large IMG Systems

Brief Description:

Feature F-5697 Support CACTI on large networks enhances the performance and efficiency of the CACTI application when utilizing CACTI large scaled networks such as networks with close to 32 nodes. All the improvements added do not impact how CACTI is installed or monitored. CACTI gets installed and will function just as it did previous to this feature being added.

Related Topics:

IMG 1010 - Overview of Cacti Watcher 

F-5698 SIP Header for Multimedia Call

Brief Description:

As described in Feature F-5230, the H.223 and H.245 protocols are used between multimedia endpoints over a circuit switched network. These protocols are utilized after a successful call between two endpoints that indicates the call is for multimedia. Feature F-5698 gives the IMG the ability to detect an incoming SS7/ISDN multimedia call based on a specific octet contained in the SS7/ISDN setup message. If the call is considered an audio call, the message will be interworked as a normal ISDN/SS7 to SIP call. If however, the call is considered a multimedia call, a proprietary SIP Header can be added indicating it is a multimedia call and the added header will be interworked to the SIP side. The feature is enabled through a new header added to the SIP Headers object. Refer to the links in the Related Topics section below for more information.

Related Topics:

IMG 1010 - SIP Headers

IMG 1010 - SIP header indicating Multimedia call

F-5720 Offline Configuration

Brief Description:

With the introduction of F-5720 Offline Configuration, a user can now open a configuration file with ClientView and make modifications to the configuration. Feature F-5720 Offline configuration allows a user to create, examine, and modify the .csa files through the ClientView application by running the DataManager application in a offline mode that can generate configuration files without connecting to the IMG. This is especially beneficial if the configuration files need to be updated with new IP addresses. Once the new file is created, it can be loaded onto the IMG. Refer to the topic in the Related Topics section below for more information.

Related Topics:

IMG 1010 - Offline Configuration

F-5724 Support for BT (ND-1017) for Privacy Settings

Brief Description:

Feature F-5724 "Support for BT ND-1017 for Privacy Settings" will add support for the interworking of the UK ISUP Calling Party number (CLI Calling Line Identity), Presentation Number, Generic Number, and National Call Forward Indicator parameters between SIP and SS7 UK ISUP. The interworking is based on ND-1017 (2006/07). In addition, the IMG will provide a configurable solution for the Calling Party Numbers address digits which allows the customer to decide what address digits will be sent out to the SS7 side in case the Calling Party's number is unavailable.

Related Topics:

IMG 1010 - SIP to UK ISUP Interworking

F-5742 Redirecting Number Assertion for ISDN to SS7

Brief Description:

Redirecting Information may be present in the SS7 IAM messages. It indicates that call forwarding has occurred. This feature allows a user to create and insert individual elements in the Redirection Information and Redirecting Number parameters into an outgoing SS7 IAM message. A new object labeled Redirection Information Assertion is added, and this object is used to insert the Redirection Information and Redirection Number parameters. The feature is supported on a call received from an ISDN network and transmitted to an SS7 network only. Refer to the links in the Related Topics section below for more information.

Related Topics:

IMG 1010 - Redirecting Number Assertion - ISDN to SS7

IMG 1010 - Redirection Information Assertion

F-5761 Distinguish between local and remote Cause Code 34 in Reason Header

Brief Description:

Before the introduction of feature F-5761, if there were no resources available the IMG would send out a 503 Service Unavailable message to the incoming SIP network informing the SIP entity that there were no resources available. The 503 message sent would not give any indication as to whether the IMG itself was out of resources or whether the SS7 network on the outgoing side was out of resources. With the introduction of this feature, a user can distinguish whether the release “503 Service Unavailable” sent by IMG to the SIP entity was caused due to the IMG being out of resources or the outgoing SS7 network is out of resources. This feature will be disabled by default.

Related Topics:

IMG 1010 - SIP Headers

IMG 1010 - Local/Remote cause code 34 in Reason Header

F-5888 Configure bonding on GCEMS servers for full ethernet redundancy.

Brief Description:

To aid in the GCEMS redundancy fail-over situation, a technique labeled Bonding can be applied to the Network Cards on any GCEMS servers utilizing GCEMS or Host Redundancy. Bonding along with a specific network setup that is displayed in the link below can be utilized so the IMG has full GCEMS redundancy in the event a failure occurs. The Bonding technique being employed on the GCEMS is labeled active-backup mode. Bonding is supported on the GCEMS servers that are running Red Hat Enterprise Linux 5.5 and above. Refer to the topics listed in the Related Items heading below for more information.

Related Topics:

 IMG 1010 - GCEMS redundancy - Utilizing Bonding

Increase the number of SS7 stacks that can be created in GCEMS.

Brief Description:

Prior to software 10.5.3 SP7, up to (16) SS7 Stack objects could be created within the GCEMS/ClientView. Starting in software 10.5.3 SP7 the number of SS7 stacks that can be created in these applications has been increased to (32).

Related Topics:

IMG 1010 - SS7 Stack


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