10.5.0_ER2 - An Overview of Features

F-1485 RTP Change Upon Gratuitous ARP Reception

Brief Description:

In Feature F-1485 the IMG 1010 and IMG 1004 will use ethernet information sent in a Gratuitous ARP from a Network Cluster to determine if the IP address information in the RTP streams going to and from the IMG 1010/1004 needs to be updated. Below is an example of this is the following:

The IMG 1010/1004 is on a network and a network cluster which is on the same network sends out a Gratuitous ARP because the network cluster has lost its primary ethernet interface for whatever reason and will now use its secondary interface. The IMG 1010/1004 would receive the Gratuitous ARP which contains the new ethernet information including the IP/MAC address information. The IMG 1010/1004 would then take this information and look through its database for all the active RTP sessions that have this IP address information associated with it. When a match occurs it takes the MAC address data from the Gratuitous ARP request and then updates and redirects the VOIP channel that is in session to the new MAC address. This service will apply to all RTP sessions. (672 individual TDM to RTP streams or 768 IP to IP streams)

This feature was added so that in a fail-over situation of a network cluster where the Active node fails and the passive takes over, the RTP media streams/sessions will continue without the loss of any calls using that IP address. For more information on F-1485 see the links in the related topics section below

Related Topics:

 IMG 1010 - RTP change on Gratuitous ARP

F-1493 Red Hat Enterprise Linux 5 Support

Brief Description:

The Dialogic® IMG 1010 Integrated Media Gateway and Dialogic® IMG 1004 Integrated Media Gateway now supports Red Hat Enterprise Linux 5 Tikanga Update 1.0 for use with the Dialogic® GateControlEMS Software. Red Hat Enterprise Linux 5 is supported with software 10.5.0 ER2 and beyond.

Related Topics:

IMG 1004 - Items Required for Installation

IMG 1010 - Items Required for Installation

F-1515 SIP DTMF Digit Support. (Additional Characters Supported) 10.5.0 ER2 +

Brief Description:

SIP DTMF support object is created under the SIP SGP Profile object. The SIP DTMF Support object is used to enable and configure DTMF support in the Notify message of the Subscribe/Notify feature when sending a DTMF digit to another gateway. The additional supported DTMF digits are shown in the table below. Use this pane to enable and configure SIP DTMF support to send a DTMF digit to another gateway. There are two methods supported:

Software Builds

Digits Supported

Software Builds

Digits Supported

10.3.3 ER2 - 10.3.3 ER6


10.3.3 ER7 +

(####,###,##,#) -or- (**,**,*,*)

10.5.0 ER1


10.5.0 ER2

(####,###,##,#) -or- (**,**,*,*)

10.5.1 +

(####,###,##,#) -or- (**,**,*,*)

Related Topics:

IMG 1010 - SIP INFO Method - DTMF



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