10.5.3_ER1 - An Overview of Features
- 1 F- 1408 Optimize DSP Densities per Codec
- 2 F-5068 Full support for ITX <-> SIP INFO in FT ISUP SPIROU
- 3 F-5090 Mapping of ISDN Sub Addresses to SIP. (RFC 4715)
- 4 F-5134 Maintain Active Calls when links go Out Of Service
- 5 F- 5152/5215 DNS SRV improvements
- 5.1 Brief Description:
- 5.2 F-5215:
- 5.3 F-5152:
- 5.4 Related Topics:
- 6 F-5230 Multimedia Call Routing.
- 7 F-5282 LNP Handling for SIP to SIP-I calls
- 8 F-5287 DNS Load Balancing
- 9 F-5320 Bypass CUG facility field in IAM
- 10 F-5328 Add ability for a Virtual Machine to run GCEMS
- 10.1 Brief Description:
- 10.2 Related Topics:
F- 1408 Optimize DSP Densities per Codec
Brief Description:
Feature 1408 increases the density available for the AMR and GSM-FR codec for use in gateway and transcoding modes of the IMG. Below is table displaying the supported number of ports and transcoding sessions allowed after the feature is introduced. On the IMG 1010, the port density and transcoding session numbers are given for an IMG 1010 with one VoIP module installed. If however there are two VoIP modules installed then these numbers will be doubled.
Max Session supported | Max Port Density after F-1408 (srtp=off) | Max Transcoding Sessions (srtp=off) |
Max Port Density on IMG 1004 | 120 Ports available | 60 IP to IP transcoding sessions |
Max Port Density on  IMG 1010 | 480 Ports available | 240 IP to IP transcoding sessions |
To accomplish the additional ports, a new profile was added. Profile 8 was created to allow a higher density of ports available on the IP leg. The profile is created in the hostflag parameter which resides in the dhcpd.conf profile. To configure the IMG to be able to process the increased number of transcoding sessions, the hostflag parameter must be changed to the new profile which is profile 8. Once profile 8 is configured in the dhcpd.conf and IMG is equipped with a Mindspeed VoIP Module, the VoIP Profile field within the Physical IMG object will display "High Capacity Wireless (# Picasso)". See links in Related Topics below for more information on accomplishing this. Â
Related Topics:
IMG 1010 - Vocoder Information
F-5068 Full support for ITX <-> SIP INFO in FT ISUP SPIROU
Brief Description:
The ITX/TXA messages are used in a Spirou (Signalisation Pour l'Interconnexion des Réseaux Ouverts/Signaling for the Interconnection of Open Networks) network for audio services that are paid for by either a flat rate calculation or time based calculation. The calls are routed to the operator, and the operator reports the payment amount with the ITX message. An example of this functionality would be a customer calling a weather forecast service with a fee involved. The call is routed through an operator which would report the payment amount by the ITX messages and the customer would get charged accordingly. Feature F-5068 'Support for ITX <-> SIP INFO in FT ISUP Spirou' adds interworking from the SS7 leg to SIP leg. The IMG now fully supports interworking the Spirou ITX message from SIP to SS7 and from SS7 to SIP.
SS7 to SIP - The IMG will accept the ITX message from the SS7 ISUP leg and interwork it into a SIP INFO Message on the SIP leg.
SIP to SS7 - The IMG will accept the SIP INFO message (RFC 2976 - The SIP INFO Method) from SIP leg and generate an ITX message onto the SS7 ISUP leg.
Related Topics:
F-5090 Mapping of ISDN Sub Addresses to SIP. (RFC 4715)
Brief Description:
Feature F-5090 maps the ISDN calling party sub address parameters such as the Network Service Access Point (NSAP) to the SIP tel URI 'isub' parameter and its address identifier 'isub encoding' parameter. Feature 5090 maps these parameters from SIP to ISDN and from ISDN to SIP. Feature F-5090 follows the outline of RFC 4715. This feature was added and can be enabled/disabled from the SIP From Header Tags object in Clientview.
Related Topics:
IMG 1010 - SIP From: Header Tags (10.5.1_ER1 and above)
IMG 1010 - ISUB Encoding ISDN - SIP
F-5134 Maintain Active Calls when links go Out Of Service
Brief Description:
Since SS7 is a CCS protocol, the voice and signaling use separate channels. If a signaling link goes down, and the CIC is in a ringing or answered state, the call will be dropped and CIC taken Out Of Service. Feature F-5134 adds to the IMG the ability to keep any CIC's which are in the ringing or answered state 'In Service' until a subsequent condition exists that eventually will take the CIC Out Of Service. For more information on this feature or its functionality see the links under the Related Topics section below.
Related Topics:
IMG 1010 - SS7 Link OOS Handling
F- 5152/5215 DNS SRV improvements
Brief Description:
DNS resolution with SRV records was initially added to the IMG in software version 10.5.2. F-5215/5152 adds more functionality such as handling multiple SRV Records due to weight and priority, and load sharing of SIP servers. All updates being added improve the functionality of the IMG to utilize SRV and A-Records. See below.
Feature F-5215 adds to the IMG the ability to accept up to five responses from a DNS server and prioritize them using the weight/random number method. The IMG will first attempt to connect to the SIP server that was prioritized 1st and will continue to re-attempt until the number set in the SIP INVITE Retransmission Attempt field in the SIP Profile is satisfied. At that time it will move on to the second DNS response.
Feature F-5152 adds to the IMG the ability to define whether the query to the DNS server will be for an A-Record, SRV Record, or a both. After the IMG does a DNS query it receives multiple responses from the DNS server. The IMG then sends an INVITE message to one of the SIP servers. Depending on the selection in the DNS Servers pane, the INVITE could contain any one or both of the above records.
Related Topics:
IMG 1010 - Feature - DNS Query using SRV Record
IMG 1010 - Configuring DNS for SIP
F-5230 Multimedia Call Routing.
Brief Description:
The H.223 and H.245 protocols are used to establish multimedia calls between endpoints over circuit switched networks. These protocols come into play after successful call completion between the multimedia endpoints. The initial SS7/ISDN call set-up messages contain an octet that indicate that the call will utilize H.223/H.245. Feature F-5230 'Multimedia Call Routing'' supports routing calls based on the presence of this specific octet. Routing is configured using the new routing criteria type 'Multimedia Call'. Â See links below for more in depth information on this feature and how it is configured.
Related Topics:
IMG 1010 - Multimedia Call Routing
IMG 1010 - Route Table/Cause Code Table/Service Route Table
F-5282 LNP Handling for SIP to SIP-I calls
Brief Description:
Local Number Portability (LNP) allows a customer the ability to transfer either an existing fixed line or mobile telephone number assigned by a local carrier and reassign it to another carrier. The IMG now supports taking the LNP data in the R-URI on the SIP leg and interworking it into the R-URI and the ISUP MIME message on the SIP-I leg. The IMG also supports taking the R-URI message from the SIP-I leg and interworking it into the R-URI message on the SIP leg. Feature F-5282 is by default always enabled and does not need any special configuration for it to function. See links below in Related Topics for more information.
Related Topics:
IMG 1010 - Relay LNP between SIP and SIP-I
F-5287 DNS Load Balancing
Brief Description:
Feature F-5287 adds to the IMG the ability to receive an SRV Record from a DNS Server, calculate the priority of the responses using a priority/weight/random number algorithm, and spread the calls over multiple SIP servers. This functionality is built in to the IMG and does not need to be configured separately. Load balancing and its random number algorithm are based on RFC 2782. See links below for more information.
Related Topics:
IMG 1010 - Feature - DNS Query using SRV Record
F-5320 Bypass CUG facility field in IAM
Brief Description:
The supplementary service Closed User Group (CUG) enables users to form groups, to and from which access is restricted. A specific user may be a member of one or more CUGs. Members of a specific CUG can communicate among themselves but not with users outside the group. Feature F-5320 adds to the IMG the ability to either Reject or Ignore a call which has the CUG parameters (interlock codes) embedded in the ISUP message. Closed User Groups are supported in E1 protocol only. ANSI does not have any provisions that support CUG parameters. See specifications in ITU Q.735 (03/93) and CUG format in ITU Specification Q.763
Related Topics:
F-5328 Add ability for a Virtual Machine to run GCEMS
Brief Description:
A virtual machine is defined as a representation of a physical machine by software that has its own set of virtual hardware upon which an operating system and applications can be loaded. With virtualization each virtual machine is provided with consistent virtual hardware regardless of the underlying physical hardware that the host server is running. When you create a VM a default set of virtual hardware is given to it. You can further customize a VM by adding or removing additional virtual hardware as needed by editing its configuration.
Dialogic will supply upon request the files needed (in OVF Format) to be able to use the VM on a Virtual Machine Manager. These files are then imported to a Virtual Machine Manager through use of Virtual Machine Client software. See the documentation of your specific Virtual Machine vendor for information on how to import and run your specific VM software. Dialogic successfully tested the Virtual Machine application software VMware ESXi 3.5 and VMware Server 2.0.1 from WMware®. See the link in Related Topics below. Once the VM has been created, there is an initial GCEMS configuration which will explain how to configure the network IP addresses and subnet masks.
Related Topics:
IMG 1010 - Initial GCEMS Config for VM