10.5.3_SP8 - An Overview of Features

F-5948 Mapping ISDN Call Proceeding to SIP 183

Brief Description:

Before the introduction of Feature F-5948, interworking the ISDN Call Proceeding message to the SIP leg was based on draft-kotar-sipping-dss1-sip-iw-01.txt section 7.3.2. The receipt of a DSS1 CALL PROCEEDING message SHALL NOT result in any SIP message being sent. With the introduction of F-5948, the Call Proceeding message from the ISDN side will be interworked into a 183 Session Progress with SDP message when the value of the Progress Indicator parameter in the Call Proceeding message is either "1" or "8". By interworking these parameters, an early voice path can be established so the caller can hear a prompt played by the terminating endpoint. If no progress indicator is present or the value of the ISDN Progress Indicator is not "1" or "8" then the call will proceed as normal. The Call Proceeding message will be dropped and no SIP 183 Session Progress will be sent. Refer to the topics in the links below for more information.

Related Topics:

IMG 1010 - SIP_ISDN Interworking

IMG 1010 - ISDN Group

IMG 1010 - Map ISDN Call Proceeding to SIP 183

F-5963 Calling Party Information Retrieval via INR/INF message

Brief Description:

When the Calling Party Information Retrieval feature is enabled, if the IAM received from the SS7 side does not contain a Calling Party Number -or- the Calling Party Category is set to unknown the IMG will send an INR (Information Request) back to the SS7 network requesting the Calling Party Number and/or the Calling Party Category. Once the SS7 side receives the INR, it will send back an INF (Information Message) with the requested parameters. The IMG then receives the parameters and uses this information along with the information in the original IAM to generate an INVITE message to the SIP network which includes the additional parameters.

Related Topics:

IMG 1010 - SIP Profile - 10.5.3 

IMG 1010 - Calling Party Information Retrieval via INR/INF

F-5873 ISDN Variant for Nortel Meridian PBX

Brief Description:

In software revision 10.5.3 SP8, the IMG is adding ISDN support for the Nortel Meridian PBX. Within the ClientView application, the Nortel Meridian User and Network base variants have been added to the list of base variants supported when configuring the ISDN D-Channel. Within the Nortel Meridian base variant are a few configurable options. Once the base variant has been configured, ClientView gives the user the ability to modify these options as needed.

Related Topics:

IMG 1010 - ISDN D Channel

IMG 1010 - ISDN Nortel Meridian


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