10.5.3_SP13 - An Overview of Features


F-6459-Dynamic Channels Reservation

Brief Description:

F-6459 Dynamic Channels Reservation allows a user the ability to reserve a given number of channels in a channel group to Incoming Only. The number of channels reserved is configured in the Channel Group object and is configured as a percentage of available channels. The available channels are allocated in Real Time so the number of channels available can change during call processing. The Dynamic Channel Reservation feature is supported in channel groups configured as either SS7 or ISDN and is supported when the channels are configured for Incoming/Outgoing only. Refer to the links in the Related Topics section below for more information.

Related Topics:

IMG 1010 - Channel Group

IMG 1010 - Dynamic Channel Reservation

F-6550 ASCII UUI Encoding

Brief Description:

The UUI Format field is supported when interworking SS7 to SIP or SIP to SS7 only. Prior to release 10.5.3 SP13, the UUI message was always interworked using the binary format. With the introduction of F-6550 UUI support enhancements feature, the UUI message can now be interworked using the hexadecimal format as well. Refer to the links in the Related Topics below.

Related Topics:

IMG 1010 - SIP UUI Support


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