10.5.2_ER1 - An Overview of Features

F-0846 Percentage based Routing

Brief Description:

Within a Routing List are multiple Channel Groups. As a call comes in to the IMG, The Route List uses the selection in the  "Hunting Options" field to determine the order in which each Channel Group is selected. The current selections are Sequential, Round Robin, and LRU (Least Recently Used). This feature adds for percentage based routing. When the percentage based option is selected each Channel Group within the Routing List can be assigned a percentage. With the Percent Based Routing the calls are allocated based on what percentage the Channel Group is given. For example: Channel Group A is given 25%, Channel Group B is given 25%, Channel Group C is given 25%, and Channel Group D is given 25%. With this example, 25% of the calls will be allocated to Channel Group A, 25% of the calls will be allocated to Channel Group B, 25% of the calls will be allocated to Channel Group C and 25% of the calls will be allocated to Channel Group D. See links below for more information.

Related Topics:

IMG 1010 - Route List Percentage based routing

IMG 1010 - Channel Group - Route List Entry

IMG 1010 - Route List

F-1637 SIP P-Charge-Info Header interworking with Charge Number

Brief Description:

The P-Charge Info Header in the SIP URI indicates the number which will be billed for a particular call. The P-Charge Info header is much like the Charge Number parameter in ISUP. The IMG supports inter-working the Charge Number information (information about the party to be billed for a call) from SS7/ISUP signaling to the URI in a SIP INVITE message. With the introduction of Feature F-1637 in 10.5.1_ER5 and now the addition of it in 10.5.2_ER1 the IMG now supports interworking the P-Charge Info Header from both SIP to SS7/ISUP and SIP INVITE message on incoming leg to SIP INVITE message on outgoing leg. Once the P-Charge Header has been inter-worked to the SS7/ISUP leg, it can be used to generate or interact with other entities to create billing records. See below for more information. NOTE: The information in this feature will pertain to interworking of the P-Charge Info Header from SIP to SS7/ISUP and from SIP to SIP. For information on configuring the IMG to interwork the Charge number from SS7 ISUP to SIP URI, see the IMG 1010 - SS7 Parameter Filter topic.

Related Topics:

 IMG 1010 - P-Charge Header - SIP to SS7

 IMG 1010 - SS7 Parameter Filter

F-1647 Relaying custom headers in REFER to the referred to: party

Brief Description:

In software version 10.5.1 ER5, and the recent addition of the feature into 10.5.2_ER1, feature F-1647 adds to the IMG the ability to relay custom headers received in the SIP Refer-To header to the transfer target in the resultant SIP INVITE. A custom header is any header other than the 'UUI' or 'Replaces' Header. See link below for more information

Related Topics:

IMG 1010 - SIP REFER Call Transfer

F-1674 Munich Chip Replacement

Brief Description:

The Munich Chip embedded in the IMG 1010 and IMG 1004 is going EOL so a new Munich replacement was designed in and tested. Adding a new Munich Chip does not require any firmware upgrades. The new Munich chip is a direct replacement and all functionality will be the same.

Related Topics:


F-1675 Ethernet Redundancy Via Smart Probing

Brief Description:

Feature F-1675 Ethernet Link Redundancy via Smart-Probing enhances the IMG’s ability to initiate a switchover due to a failure in the IMG’s network. Currently the IMG employs a link based Ethernet Redundancy scheme. In the current scheme, the IMG would initiate a switch-over such as from interface Data 0 to Data 1 located on the rear of the IMG. With the addition of this feature the IMG can be configured to employ a probe-based detection scheme. In this scheme, the IMG would ‘probe’ a set of pre-configured endpoints (send an ARP request packet). The endpoints would then reply with a Gratuitous ARP packet. These packets inform the IMG that the endpoints are still ‘alive’. If the IMG sends out an ARP Request Packet and does not receive a Gratuitous ARP in return it will continue to send ARP Requests until the pre-configured number of requests is met. If at that time no Gratuitous ARP’s are sent back then the IMG will initiate a 'switchover’ to its ‘Hot Standby’ Port (Data 1 in this case). If the switchover solves the problem, then the IMG will continue processing calls on the new ‘switched-over’ port. However, if the issue is not solved, the IMG would continue to switch back and forth between Data 0 and Data 1 (ping pong effect) until the issue in the network is solved. The feature is enabled through ClientView and can be enabled on any of the network interfaces (CTRL, DATA, SIGNALING) located on the rear of the IMG.

Note: If multiple endpoints are configured, the switchover will not occur unless ALL endpoints fail to respond to the ARP.

The second part of this feature allows the customer to initiate a link switchover manually. A manual switchover can be executed from the Logical Interface object within ClientView. The manual switchover was added to allow the customer the ability to switch from one network to another. An Event such as maintenance to a specific network is now possible by switching away from the network that needs maintenance to a different network that could handle any traffic while maintenance is being performed.

Related Topics:

IMG 1010 - Ethernet Redundancy via Smart Probe

IMG 1010 - IP Address

IMG 1010 - IP Network (Interface)

IMG 1010 - Logical Interface

IMG 1010 - Probe Endpoint

F-1683 Handling URI Parameters in SIP Refer to: header

Brief Description:

In software version 10.5.1, feature F-0759 SIP Refer for Call Transfer was added. This method utilizes the Refer-To: Header field to pass contact information such as URI INFO provided in the request. In software version 10.5.1 ER4, and now the addition of the feature into 10.5.2_ER1, Feature F-1683 Handling URI parameters in the Refer To: header adds to the IMG the ability to transfer any URI Parameters from the Transferor to the Transfer Target. The URI Parameters are passed in the Outgoing INVITE only and is limited to 512 bytes in length. This feature allows customers the ability to transport call control related information (Call Waiting, Call Forward on Busy, etc) from the Transferor to the SIP Transfer Target during a referral scenario.

Related Topics:

IMG 1010 - SIP REFER Call Transfer

F-4064 IMG 1004 Memory Upgrade

Brief Description:

Feature F-4064 increases the SDRAM in the Dialogic® IMG 1004 Integrated Media Gateway. The IMG 1004 has had many features added to it since its inception and the software image is getting too large for the current SDRAM to handle. Starting in 10.5.2_ER1 the SDRAM is being increased from 256 Mbytes to 512 Mbytes to allow additional features to be added without any decrease in performance. By increasing the RAM, a newer firmware must be loaded into the IMG 1004. All existing customers who want to upgrade their memory must send IMG 1004 back to the factory for replacement of current RAM and a firmware upgrade. The part number of the IMG 1004 will change due to the addition of new memory. The new part number will be as follows:

Dialogic® IMG 1004 Integrated Media Gateway = 168-8660-03

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