10.5.2_ER2 - An Overview of Features


F-5117 Support 'ISUP-OLI' for ISDN - SIP Call

Brief Description:

The Originating Line Information parameter conveys information about the originator of a call. Initially, the IMG supported inter-working the ISUP-OLI parameter when passing information from SS7 to SIP and SIP to SS7. F-5117 'Support ISUP-OLI for ISDN-SIP call' adds support when inter-working the ISUP-OLI parameter from ISDN-SIP and SIP-ISDN. When inter-working the ISUP-OLI parameter from ISDN to SIP, the ISUP-OLI parameter is added to the From: Header in the SIP INVITE message. When inter-working the ISUP-OLI parameter from SIP to ISDN, the ISUP-OLI parameter is added to the SETUP message on the ISDN leg. See Related links below for more information.

Related Topics:

IMG 1010 - Originating Line Information ISDN-SIP

IMG 1010 - SIP From: Header Tags (10.5.1_ER1 and above)


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