IMG 1010 - SS7 Parameter Filter

IMG 1010 - SS7 Parameter Filter



This pane indicates which SS7 parameters are passed on to the outbound side and which are not. The IMG supports filtering the parameters below from any network. (SIP to SS7, H.323 to SS7, ISDN to SS7) By default all parameters are passed except for Transit Network Select.

Accessing this Pane:

Dialogic IMG EMS -> Routing Configuration -> Channel Groups -> Channel Group (SS7) -> ISUP Group -> SS7 Parameter Filter

Maximum Objects:

1 per ISUP Group

Related Topics:

IMG 1010 - Configuring SS7 CIC Routing (paragraph "Configuring SS7 Parameter Filters")

ClientView Pane: 10.3.x

ClientView Pane: 10.5.x


Field Descriptions:

For each field, the options are:

Pass - Pass the SS7 Parameter to the outbound side

Don't Pass - Do Not Pass the SS7 Parameter to the outbound side




Supported Variant

Access Transport

(00000011), 0x03


Calling Party Number

(00001010), 0x0a


Carrier Identification

(11000101), 0xc5


Carrier Selection Info

(11101110), 0xee


Charge Number

(11101011), 0xeb


Generic Address / Generic Number

(11000000), 0xc0


Generic Name

(11000111), 0xc7


Jurisdiction Info

(11000100), 0xc4


Original Called Number

(00101000), 0x28


Out Trunk Group Number

(11100111), 0xe7


Originating Line Info

(11101010), 0xea


Redirecting Number

(00001100), 0x0b


Redirecting Info

(00010011), 0x13


Service Code Indicator

(11101100), 0xec


Transit Network Select

(00100011), 0x23


User to User Information

(00100000), 0x20



Regardless of whether the parameter is supported in ANSI, ITU, or ETSI, if a parameter is selected to "Not Pass" and it is not supported on the variant being used it will not affect the call. If the parameter is not supported, the IMG will do nothing with it.


Parameter Descriptions:

Access Transport: (Default- Pass)

Information generated on the access side of a call and transferred transparently in either direction between the originating and terminating local exchanges. The information is of significance to both users and local exchanges.

Calling Party Number: (Default- Pass)

Information sent in the forward direction to identify the calling party and consisting of the odd/even indictor, nature of address indicator, numbering plan indicator, address presentation restriction indicator, screening indicator, and address signals.

Carrier Identification: (Default- Pass)

Information sent in the forward direction to the transit network indicating the transit network selected by the originating subscriber.

Carrier Selection: (Default- Pass)

Sent in the forward direction to indicate whether the calling user selected the transit network by presubscription or dialed input and if pre-subscribed whether or not the carrier identification code was also dialed.

Charge Number: (Default- Pass)

Information sent in either direction indicating the chargeable number for the call and consisting of the odd/even indicator, nature of address indicator, numbering plan indicator, and address signals.

Generic Address: (Default- Pass)

Information in the form of an address pertaining to a supplementary service (e.g., dialed number, destination number and including type of address, nature of address and numbering plan indications.

Generic Name: (Default- Pass)

Information sent in the forward direction containing specific name-related information.

Jurisdiction Info: (Default- Pass)

Information sent in the forward direction indicating the geographic origination of the call.

Original Called Number: (Default- Pass)

Information sent in the forward direction to indicate, in the case of call redirection (e.g., call forwarding), the number of the user who initiated the initial redirection.

Out Trunk Group Number: (Default- Pass)

Information sent in the backward direction indicating the trunk group selected at an outgoing gateway. For intra network use only.

Originating Line Info: (Default- Pass)

Information sent in the forward direction, indicating a toll class of service for the call.

Redirecting Number: (Default- Pass)

Information sent in the forward direction indicating the number from which the call was last redirected and consisting of the nature of address indicator, numbering plan indicator, address presentation restriction indicator, and address information (signals).

Service Code Indicator: (Default- Pass)

Information sent in the forward direction indicating a service code provided by the calling party.

Transit Network Select: (Default-Don't Pass)

Information sent in the forward direction indicating the transit network(s) requested for the routing of the call and consisting of the type of network identification, network identification plan, and network identification.

UUI: (Default-Don't Pass)

Don't Pass (Default) - Don't Pass user specific information not pertaining to the call from one user to another.

Pass - Pass specific User information not pertaining to the call from one user to another.


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