IMG 1010 - Channel Group - Route List Entry

IMG 1010 - Channel Group - Route List Entry




Use this pane to add a Channel Group to a Route List. Channel Groups are added to each Route List by right clicking on the Route List object and selecting Channel Group. A drop down menu of all Channel Groups configured will appear. Each Route List will allow a maximum of nine channel groups to be added to it. In software 10.5.1 a new field was added to this pane. The added field is the 'Channel Group Type' field. This new addition to the Channel Group pane will allow the Channel Group selected in the Group Name field to be configured as a redirect server. See Channel Group Type in the Field Descriptions section below for more information.

Accessing this Pane:

Dialogic IMG EMS -> Routing Configuration-> Route Lists-> Route List -> Channel Group

Maximum Objects:

64 Route Lists per GCEMS

9 Channel Groups per Route List

As of Software Revision 10.5.1_ER1 the IMG will allow 20 Channel Groups per Route List

Related Topics:

IMG 1010 - Configuring Route Lists

IMG 1010 - SIP Redirect IMG Initiated 302

ClientView Pane 10.3.x - 10.5.0:

ClientView Pane 10.5.1+

ClientView Pane 10.5.1 ER5 +



Field Descriptions

Channel Group Type (10.5.1+):

(Only on Incoming Calls) If all TDM circuits are being utilized would you like to send a 302 message back to the originating gateway with information on where to redirect the call to. See SIP Redirect IMG Initiated 302 link in the Related Topics Above

Redirect - Yes send the 302 message to the originating gateway

Normal - No do not send the 302 message to the originating gateway

Group Name:

This is the name of the Channel Group that will be added to the Route List. Under the User-Specified column of this pane is a drop down menu which user can select from a list of Channel Groups that are configured under the IMG EMS object in ClientView.

Percentage Allocation:

If "percent" was initially selected as the Hunting Option in the Route List Pane, select from drop down menu which percentage each Outgoing Channel Group will be allocated. The range is from 0-100. If 0 is selected then no calls will be routed to that particular channel group. See Route List Percentage Based Routing for more information.


Display Table:

Object Table Tab:

This pane displays all of the Channel Groups in the route list in the order it appears in the ClientView Tree Pane. The order in which the IMG will access each of these Channel Groups depends on how the Hunting Options are set in the Route List. The order of how the Channel Groups are displayed in this pane can be changed by selecting a Channel Group from this Display Table and then clicking on the UP/DOWN arrows in the Top Menu Bar in ClientView.

Object Status Tab:

This pane when selected displays a Timestamp of when the object was created and its status. The information under the Object Status Tab can be cleared by right clicking on one of the entries and select "Clear". This will clear all the information in this display Pane for the specific object.


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