Removing "Digium Asterisk" Text From Status Bar on Digium Phones


The text "Digium Asterisk" or "Digium Switchvox" is visable in the status bar (the black bar area above the displayed logo) of the customer's Digium phones.



This text is viewable when a custom logo is used. To remove the text, discontinue the use of custom logos:

  1. Using Asterisk with DPMA: In the file res_digium_phone.conf, custom logos are designated with the following parameters in the sections for each phone:

    • d70_logo_file

    • d50_logo_file

    • d40_logo_file

    These lines can be commented out or removed entirely.

  2. In the Asterisk CLI:

    1. Reload the DPMA module with the command 'module reload'

    2. Reconfigure the phones with the command 'digium_phones reconfigure all'.

  3. Using XML: The XML field that configures the custom logo is the logo_file field. This setting is located in the <config> block of the XML file. Simply remove the field to disable the custom logo.

  4. Using Switchvox: Navigate to the Bulk-Modify Extensions function and select all the extensions registered to the Switchvox. Below, go to Phone Settings > select a phone type > Idle Screen. In the provided dialog window, click the red X to remove the custom logo.

  5. Using Web Interface: Navigate to the Preferences tab. There, under the header for Idle Screen Image, click the red X to remove the custom logo.


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