How do I get my Digium phone out of "Test Mode"?

If your Digium phone boots up into test mode, you will see the following displayed on the phone's LCD screen:

**** Phone is in test mode ****


The phone will not be usable in a production environment if this is the case. However, there is a way to get it to boot into a usable mode.


  1. During the splash screen (where it counts through the steps) wait until you see step 1 of 8 on the LCD screen.

  2. Once it says "step 1 of 8", press and hold the *, 8, and 6 keys on the phone's keypad.

  3. You will see a message come up asking if you want to reset to factory defaults. Choose "yes".

  4. The phone will reboot, and it will come back up normally and in "production mode".


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