How to Apply Renewal and Subscription Codes

How to Apply Renewal and Subscription Codes

When you purchase new subscription or renewal codes, you'll need to register them on our site before being able to use them. You can follow the steps below to confirm and register your codes:

Note: Make sure to verify you are applying codes to the correct registration code. Once you apply the code it can't be transferred to a different reg code. If you have problems please contact our Customer Service department.


The first thing to do is verify if you've purchased or received the correct items.  Below are the steps to verify:

  1. Go to http://www.switchvox.com/subscriptions

  2. Click 'Add, Update, or renew Subscriptions'

  3. Enter the full registration code (16 characters in uppercase). Then click Next.

  4. On the next page, do one of the following.

  • If you want to add subscriptions, click 'I need to add more subscriptions to my PBX', enter the amount and click Next.

  • If you want to renew your support contract, click 'I need to renew my subscriptions and maintenance contract', choose the amount of years and click Next.

  1. The page you are taken to should tell you what is needed to get where you want.


Applying Your New Subscriptions

  1. Go to http://www.switchvox.com/subscriptions

  2. Click 'Activate Switchvox Products'

  3. On the next page, enter your full registration code (16 characters in uppercase).

  4. Enter the subscription codes in uppercase with hyphens.

  5. Click the 'Activate' button when finished to apply your changes.

  6. In the web admin for the PBX, go to Machine Admin -> Updates.  Choose to apply the update to increase the subscriptions.  You do not have to apply the version updates.


Applying Your New Renewal Codes

  1. Go to http://www.switchvox.com/subscriptions

  2. Click 'Activate Switchvox Products'

  3. On the next page, enter your full registration code (16 characters in uppercase).

  4. Enter the renewal codes along with the maintenance code including hyphens and in uppercase.

  5. Click the 'Activate' button when finished to apply your changes.

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