10.5.1_ER2 - An Overview of Features

F-1599 Increase number of supported digits for translation

Brief Description:

Feature 1599 increases the number of digits supported from 24 to 32 when performing various tasks such as routing and translations. Below are links to the various ClientView Panes that are affected by this.

Related Topics:

IMG 1010 - Translation Entry (Both Incoming and Outgoing Translation Entry)

IMG 1010 - Route Entry

F-1611 Fax Type support for "Disabled" Mode

Brief Description:

This feature adds the selection of "Disabled" to the 'Modem Behavior' field in the IP Bearer Profiles Pane in ClientView. By setting the Modem Behavior field to disabled, any RTP will be shut down and fax signaling will begin. Depending on what type of signaling is selected in the Fax Mode field that will be the type of signaling used. This feature is backwards compatible and is supported on both Mindspeed and Broadcom VoIP modules. For more information, see link below.

Related Topics:

IMG 1010 - IP Bearer Profile


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