10.5.3_SP4.3 - An Overview of Features

F-5616 Mapping of cause parameter in ACM/CPG to Reason Header

Brief Description:

Feature F-5616 takes a cause code parameter added to the SS7 ACM (Answer Complete) or CPG (Call Progress) message and inter-works it into the SIP Reason Header within the SIP 183 Session Progress message. Refer to the Reason Header topic for call flow information.

Related Topics:

IMG 1010 - SIP Reason Header

F-5626 Support for Presentation Number

Brief Description:

Feature F-5626 Support for Presentation Number adds the Presentation Number into the IAM message. The value of the Presentation Number is derived from the Generic Number in one of the following SIP headers:

  • Remote Party ID (RPID)

  • P-Asserted Identity

  • Routing Number

For the feature to function correctly, a new variant (British Telecom) needs to be imported to the signaling variants object within ClientView. To acquire the new variant along with information on how to import the variant contact Sangoma Technical Support and they will supply all necessary documents and files needed to configure the feature. Below is Call Flow diagram displaying how the feature behaves.

Related Topics:

Contact Sangoma Technical Support

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