Dialogic IMG - IMG 1010 - Inseize Instruction

Dialogic IMG - IMG 1010 - Inseize Instruction




In CAS, when the switch receives an incoming call, it sends a Request for Service message to the internal router of the IMG1010/1004 to process the call. When an incoming call is detected, the IMG Signaling layer begins to execute the channels preprogrammed instructions for inseize control. Use this pane to form a list of instructions for Inseize control. You must create a separate Inseize Instruction entry for each instruction that you add to the list. The IMG executes the list upon detecting an Inseize on the channel. The IMG will send a single report with all collected address information.

Important: The order in which the instructions appear in the ClientView tree is the order in which they will be sent.

Accessing this Pane:

Dialogic IMG EMS -> Signaling -> <Variant Name> -> Inseize Instruction

Maximum Objects:

19 Instructions per Variant

Related Topics

 IMG 1010 - Configuring CAS

Previous Configuration Required

IMG 1010 - Signaling Variant

ClientView Inseize Instruction List Pane (T1)

Field Descriptions (T1):

Instruction Type:

Use several of the instructions in the drop down menu to create an Instruction List of what to do when a call comes in and seizes a channel. An explanation of each Inseize Instruction is explained below.

Inseize Instruction

Instructs the switch to:

Generate an Inseize Ack

Provide an Inseizure ACK to the distant end.

Receive Stage N Address

Allocate a DSP receiver to the channel for collection of an incoming digits. The maximum number of digits that can be collected within a given inpulsing stage is 24 per string. A “stage” of inpulsing represents all incoming address digits contained in the digit stream. A stage of inpulsed address data can contain one or several digit strings (for example, identification string (ANI), and an address string). You can repeat this instruction when multiple stages of inpulsing are required.

Report Call Processing Event

Report the completion of the previous instruction, along with any associated data. This would typically follow a Receive Stage n Address Data instruction, where the event type would be “digits” and the data would be the collected digit stream. An Inseize Report Call Processing Event must be preceded by the Receive Stage n Address Data instruction.

Report Incoming Call with Address Data

Upon Inseizure detection, the IMG will report a Request for Service with Data message, along with single or multiple stage digit streams collected.

Send Host Acknowledgment

Send the host a positive ACK to an Inseize Control message if all previous instructions have been successfully carried out. If a previous instruction is not successful the list aborts at that point and the host is sent a negative ACK. (This should be the last instruction.) 

Generate Call Processing Event

Generate an event to the channel. Events include T1 winks 1-8, or for E1 compelled or pulsed digits.

Delay N milliseconds

Use this inseize instruction to enter a delay between two Inseize Instructions

Inseize Data:

Each Inseize Instruction Type has Inseize Data that needs to get configured under each instruction. Below is a list of each Inseize Instruction Type and its corresponding selections for Inseize Data.

Not all Inseize Instruction Types have Data associated with them

Instruction Type Data


Generate an Inseize Ack


Receive Stage N Address

Stage 1, Stage 2, Stage 3, Stage 4

Report Call Processing Event

Off Hook, Digits, Dial Tone, Wink1 — Wink 8

Report Incoming Call with Address Data


Send Host Acknowledgment


Generate Call Processing Event

Wink1 — Wink 8

Delay N milliseconds


Backward Signal ID:

Not used for T1, see below for E1

Stages to Report:

Not used for T1, see below for E1 

Delay Time (ms):

Applies to Instruction Type of 'Delay n Milliseconds'. Use this Inseize instruction to enter a delay between two Inseize Instructions.

Use the slider or enter a value in the Value: box.

ClientView Inseize Instruction List Pane (E1):

Field Descriptions (E1):

Instruction Type:

The Inseize Instruction list is the same for T1 and E1. See Inseize Instruction List Descriptions T1/E1 Table above. The Inseize data however is different.

Inseize Data:

Each Inseize Instruction Type has Inseize Data that needs to get configured under each instruction. Below is a list of each Inseize Instruction Type and its corresponding selections for Inseize Data.

Not all Inseize Instruction Types have Data associated with them.

Instruction Type Data


Generate an Inseize Ack


Receive Stage N Address

Stage 1, Stage 2, Stage 3, Stage 4

Report Call Processing Event

Off Hook, Digits, Dial Tone

Report Incoming Call with Address Data


Send Host Acknowledgment


Generate Call Processing Event

Backward Pulsed R2 Signal

Backward Compelled R2 Signal

Backward Pulsed R2 Signal with Completion Event

Backward Compelled or Pulsed R2 Signal

Backward Signal ID:

Select from a drop down list ID's 1-15

Stages to Report:

When Report Call Processing Event is selected and the Inseize Data is Digits the Stages to report field will display the following:

Stage1, Stage2, Stage3, Stage4

To change the Stages to Report field, first select Digits in the Inseize Data. Once Digits is configured under Inseize data then the Stages to Report field can be changed by clicking in the Stages to Report Field. A Select multiple items box will appear. From here you can select which stages to report in the Call Processing Event.

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