10.5.1_ER3 - An Overview of Features


F-1623 Retries based on Cause Code

Brief Description:

Currently the user can configure a Route List on the IMG. Under each Route List, multiple channel groups can be added to be able to route a call to. If the destination that the first channel group is routed to rejects the call, the call is re-routed to the next channel group in the list. This process will continue until all channel groups in the route list have been chosen. Feature 1623 "Enable/Disable option for re-try based on Cause Code" gives the user the ability to decide whether or not to reroute the call to the next channel group in the Route List. This is done by enabling or Disabling the Re-route option in the Route List configuration. See links in Related Topics below for more information.

Related Topics:

IMG 1010 - Route List

F-1625 Diversion Support in Radius

Brief Description:

Feature F-1625 takes the "username" or "string" portion of either a Diversion Header, Redirecting Number, or Original Called Number and adds it to one of the VSA's displayed below. Feature 1625 adds four new Radius VSA's which all have to do with redirecting or forwarding a called number. This feature is being added to software 10.5.1_ER3 and above. The added VSA's are as follows:

Cantata-sip-top-diversion = "username"

Cantata-sip-bottom-diversion = "username"

Cantata-original-called-number = 'username"

Cantata-redirecting-number = "username"

This feature was added in 10.5.1 ER3. When installing software 10.5.1 ER3 or newer, the newest dictionary.cantata file will get loaded into the /opt/dialogic/common/radius directory. If using FreeRadius, The newest dictionary.cantata file must then be copied into the /usr/share/freeradius directory.

See links in related Topics below for more information on this feature.

Related Topics:

IMG 1010 - RADIUS - Diversion info in CDR

IMG 1010 - RADIUS - Attributes

F-1629 UUI Support for H.323

Brief Description:

In Software 10.5.0 software feature 1361 - UUI support was added to the IMG. This first phase covered ISDN-ISDN, ISDN-SS7, ISDN-SIP and SS7-SS7. In software 10.5.1_ER3 and above, F-1629 expands the UUI Support feature to add in support for ISDN-H.323.

Related Topics:

IMG 1010 - UUI Support - Overview


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