List of Sangoma Switchvox Servers

List of Sangoma Switchvox Servers

This is a list of Sangoma servers Switchvox uses for various applications:

Your Switchvox PBX requires access to Sangoma maintained servers and services for any number of reasons. Below is a helpful table showing the names and locations of our servers.

NOTE: We always suggest pinging the hostname of the server, as it is possible that the IP could change.


Provides Updates for Switchvox and Phone firmware.



Supply information regarding your subscriptions



VPN portal for support purposes. 



Used by several Switchvox widgets such as Google Maps and Salesforce



Registration server for Switchvox



Used to register G729, Fax, and HPEC



Phone firmware server, including Pphone update button on 7.9+



Please note:

  • You are not required to add inbound rules, on your firewall, to allow connections from these servers to your Switchvox PBX. Since all connections are initiated by the Switchvox PBX, if your firewall does not block outbound traffic, connections to these systems should work. 

  • Switchvox must be able to resolve the hostname, of these systems, in order to successfully connect. 

  • Switchvox must be able to ping these systems, in order to successfully connect. 


In terms of Sangoma Technical Support Portal Access VPN, you may need to enable or allow jumbo packets to allow packets that exceed 1500 MTU to traverse your network. The Jumbo packet setting is often found in your firewall or router configuration. Without jumbo packets enabled The Portal Access VPN only partially establishes; such that, support personnel cannot connect and provide support to your PBX. Please review the administrator manual, of your router or firewall, in order to enable this option. 

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