Support Services - Compiling DAHDI From Source

Support Services - Compiling DAHDI From Source

In order for DAHDI to be detected by Asterisk, it must be compiled before Asterisk. The following steps will guide you through this process using DAHDI 2.11 as an example:

  1. The first step is to install the dependencies by '# yum install gcc gcc-c++ make kernel-devel newt-devel subversion​'

  2. Then change directory '#  cd /usr/src/' and download the desired DAHDI version with '# wget http://downloads.asterisk.org/pub/telephony/dahdi-linux-complete/dahdi-linux-complete-2.11.0+2.11.0.tar.gz '

  3. Extract the files  '# tar zxvf dahdi-linux-complete-2.11.0+2.11.0.tar.gz' and navigate to the newly created dahdi directory '# cd dahdi-linux-complete-2.11.0+2.11.0/'

  4. Once extracted, DAHDI can then be compiled with '# make && make install && make config'


Note: There is currently an issue with the init script for Dahdi 2.11 that may prevent you from installing 2.11 directly. The workaround is to install DAHDI 2.10.1 prior to installing 2.11. 


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