Business Voice - General Switch Setup

Business Voice - General Switch Setup


In the interest of standardization all Business Voice Master Switches come pre-configured with a set port configuration; the last 4 ports are reserved for specific applications.  If you will be configuring your own switches it is strongly recommended you apply these same assignments to aid in the support of your installation. The numbers in parentheses are for a 48 port switch.



Ports 1-20  (1-44)

SIP Phones, ATAs, Computers (single drop phone & computer) etc.

Port 21 (45)

Telephony Diagnostic Port

Port 22 (46)

StarBox® Voice Optimized SD-WAN Telephony Port (LAN3)

Port 23 (47) 

Secondary WAN connection

Port 24 (48)

Customer DHCP Server (no VLAN41)

The guide below is written specifically for Netgear switches however the same principles apply to any managed switch.  Voice traffic runs over VLAN41 therefore priority QOS should be applied to VLAN41.

  1. Find the switch's IP address. If you already have this, continue on to step 2.

    • Is the switch on the customer's internal data network, or the default Business Voice switch network of 10.55.26.xx?

    • On the StarBox® Voice Optimized SD-WAN in question, do an ifconfig. We need to define an interface on eth2 on the same network as the switch. Do that with ifconfig eth2 xxx.xxx.xxx.99 netmask

    • find the IP of the switch by doing nmap -sP xxx.xxx.xxx.0/24. It will have the label "Netgear" in parenthesis next to its MAC. Exit the box.

  2. From admin, create a tunnel to that switch with cid tun <starbox_id> <switch_ip>

  3. Enter in the password for the StarBox® Voice Optimized SD-WAN, and open the link given in an Internet browser. Password is password.

  4. Depending on the firmware version of the switch, you may need to do some hunting around. To configure a switch for Dual Failover, we need to create a VLAN42.

  5. In the VLAN Membership screen, we need to configure the ports for the following VLANs (U means untagged, T means tagged):

    • Ports 1-20 are U1 and T41

    • Port 21 is U41

    • Port 22 is U1, T41 and T42

    • Port 23 is U42

    • Port 24 is U1

      • Those steps for a 48-port switch:

      • 1-44 are U1/T41

      • 45, 46, 47 and 48 are setup like 21,22,23 and 24 respectively.

      • The extra (gigabit/uplink) ports as U1/T41 as well.

  6. You will also need to go into the PVID Configuration and list port 21 as 41 and port 23 as 42.

  7. Apply and save the configuration, and you should be good to go (changes should not require a reboot, but it may be necessary).

Places to See

Basically, the main page you will be using is the "Port to VLAN" page, which allows you to set the VLANs of multiple ports at a time. When setting a port to have no traffic (i.e., VLAN41 on port 24) we are still unsure as to the difference between "Forbidden" and "Excluded", so.... pick one and experiment!

There are two different versions of the Cisco 10-port switches being sent out with Starlites.

Starlite Configuration

The first one is a normal configuration, with 8 ports PoE, U1 / T41. There are two additional ports, set up for connection from the StarBox® Voice Optimized SD-WAN: Port 9 is voice (connecting to LAN 3) and Port 10 is data (connecting to LAN 2).

StarSIP Configuration

This switch is not PoE, mainly due to the fact that there should not be any phones directly connected to it.

The first four ports are U1/T41, for fax devices or others as deemed necessary.

The second four ports are configured as U41. This is because the AudioCodes MP-118 device that is being shipped with all new StarSIP orders cannot handle direct VLAN tagging, so all traffic must be untagged.

Finally ports 9 and 10 are configured the same as above for connection from the StarBox® Voice Optimized SD-WAN -- 9 for voice (U1/T41), 10 for data (U1).

For local access to a Cisco or Netgear switch, you need to give a computer an IP of That is the only IP that the switches will respond to. You can plug your computer into any one of the first 20 Ethernet ports. The Master switch is by default, with any Slave switch having the next incremental IP. Use a Web Browser to access the switch on it's IP address, and if Netgear, the user name/pw is admin/password; Cisco: cisco/password.


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