Switchvox Managed Certs not Regenerated in Certain Circumstances

Switchvox Managed Certs not Regenerated in Certain Circumstances

SWVX-13817 Switchvox Managed Certs not Regenerated in Certain Circumstances

Validation Date: 8/31/2018
Affects Version: 6.7.1
Expected Resolution: In Progress

Description: If using the default Switchvox managed certs, the certificates should regenerate any time you change the hostname under Server -> Networking -> IP Configuration. Currently if you change the hostname to a different host referenced elsewhere in the Switchvox (i.e. a Phone Network). 

Workaround: To get around this issue you would need to delete any Phone Networks or other references to the desired hostname before changing the hostname under IP Configuration. The network can then be recreated.

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