Queues View
How is ESA Calculated?
How can Queues help business efficiency?
A typical Call Center employs far more agents than managers. Managerial responsibility to maintaining Service Level Agreements (SLAs) and meeting other standardized metrics like a target Average Speed of Answer (ASA) consumes a large part of the manager's day.
With HUD Queues, the burden of responsibility for those same SLAs is transferred from the managers to the agents. Because every agent has a detailed view of their queues, including the Completed vs. Abandoned percentage, the number of callers holding, and the number of agents active at any given time, each agent knows instantly how well the organization is performing.
Here at Fonality, as soon as we rolled out the Queues feature within our own call center, we found a noticeable improvement in our ASA, ESA (see above), and our abandoned calls percentage decreased noticeably.
All of the agents within our Support organization can see how many customers are waiting, and therefore make decisions about when to take a short break or use the restroom - these minor decisions do so much to improve an organizations efficiency it's almost unbelievable.
If your organization takes an unexpected rush in callers at a time when agents typically take a smoke break or coffee break, you lose minutes on your ASA in some cases. By virtue of having all the holding callers displayed on everyone's desktop or on a centralized monitor that everyone in the call center can see, a trip to the coffee machine delayed to answer one call can be the difference in hitting your target ASA or missing it. And instead of the managers having to walk around and police the floor, the agents take it upon themselves to keep those numbers in line.