Logs - HUD3 client

Logs - HUD3 client

System Administrators can find all logs for HUD3 client located on the user's desktop computer in one of two directories:


  1. Mac OS X - /Users/<Username>/.Fonality/3.0/logs

    1. You can access this file via Terminal.app

      1. Click on the Spotlight  icon in the upper right-hand corner of your desktop

      2. Type in terminal

      3. Select Terminal.app from the list of results

      4. Type cd /Users/<your username>/.Fonality/3.0/logs and press enter

      5. Type cat hud3.0* and press enter

      6. Use your mouse and highlight ALL of the text displayed in the terminal (press and hold the mouse button and scroll up within the Terminal application - there will be a LOT of text)

      7. Press Command + C to copy all of the text you highlighted

      8. In your support ticket - please paste all of this log information and send it to Fonality for analysis

  2. Windows XP/Vista - C:\Users\<Username>\AppData\Roaming\Fonality\3.0\database\ (by default)

    1. Navigate to the directory above using a Windows Explorer window (the same window you get when you double-click "My Computer") and attach all the files within this folder to your Support ticket please

    2. If you have installed HUD3 in a directory other than the default, please type

      cd %APPDATA%\Fonality\3.0\database in a Command Prompt (Start --> Run --> type 'cmd' --> enter)

  3. Server Logs - /var/log/fonality/hud3.0

    1. Connect to your server's Linux console (if you do not know how, please call Fonality Support - do not connect to the Linux console if you are even a little unsure about what you are doing).

    2. Navigate to the directory listed next to "Server Logs" above

    3. All server logs are stamped with a number like hud3.0.log.1.


It is particularly important that System Administrators provide Fonality Support with information taken from these log files if there is ever a problem with HUD3 client.  The data contained in these files will help Fonality expediently attend to and resolve the problem.


References / related articles

Chat Logs - server-side HUD chat logging


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