Phones - Gathering Logs for Support Staff

Phones - Gathering Logs for Support Staff

Configuration Files and System Log


In the event you are having issues with your phone the Support Staff at Sangoma may request that you attach the logs and configuration files of your phone for us.  Follow the steps below to provide this information.

  • Log into the Web GUI of your phone with your admin username and password

    • admin is the default username

    • The default password is also admin 

      • Once the phone is configured using the End Point Manager it changes the password to be whatever you have defined in the Global Settings of End Point Manager on your PBX.  The default password End Point Manager sets is 222222

  • Click on the Management --> Configuration Section


  • Under the 'Configure File' section press the 'Download XML File' button.  This will download the phones configuration to your computer


  • Under the 'System Log' section set the 'Syslog Leve'l to 'Debug' and press the 'Download button'.  This will download the phones current logs to your computer


  • Attach all files to your support ticket

PCAP Trace


Sometimes the Support Staff at Sangoma may request you for a PCAP Trace in order to do a further debug. Follow the steps below to provide this information:

  • Log into the Web GUI of your phone with your admin username and password.

  • admin is the default username

    • The default password is also admin 

      • Once the phone is configured using the End Point Manager it changes the password to be whatever you have defined in the Global Settings of End Point Manager on your PBX.  The default password End Point Manager sets is 222222

  • Navigate to Management→Tools


  • Under the 'Pcap Feature' section press the 'Start' button. This will start the PCAP process in the phone


  • Reproduce the issue by making or receiving a call


  • Under the 'Pcap Feature' section press the 'Stop' button. This will stop the PCAP process


  •  Press the 'Export' button to  download the phones configuration to your computer


  • Attach all files to your support ticket.


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