Zipwhip: Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

Customer/User FAQs


Q. What are the benefits of using Zipwhip?
A:  Text messaging capability is table stakes for businesses now.  80 percent of consumers want to hear from and interact with businesses by text.  Fonality Zipwhip enables texting from your business number, using a slick interface, making it easy to manage and track text conversations with your customers.  Zipwhip makes it easy to build relationships using texts. Answer questions, send reminders, share special offers … All from a number people trust – yours!


Q. How much does Fonality Zipwhip cost?
A:  $10 per user, per month


Q. Which Zipwhip features come with a subscription with Fonality?

A:  Unlimited texting, automated contacts import, and 3 texts per minute.


Q. What if I already subscribe to Zipwhip - Can I still access from HUD?

A:  No.  In order to have single sign and access Zipwhip from HUD, you must have a subscription from Fonality.


Q. What if I already subscribe to Zipwhip – What do I need to do to switch to Fonality Zipwhip?

A:  There are several reasons you may want to switch to Fonality Zipwhip, including single sign on from HUD and single billing.  If you decide to switch to Fonality, Zipwhip will need to do a manual switch on their end to allow Fonality to provision the number.  You must call Zipwhip to cancel and then sign up with Fonality.


Q. Am I limited to how many texts I send/receive in a month?

A:  No


Q. How do I use Zipwhip?

A:  Zipwhip is very easy to use.  We’re willing to bet that by just playing around with it for a few minutes, you’ll learn quickly.  But we understand if you like to have instructions.  Click here for instructions, tutorials and other tools to help make your experience with Zipwhip all that it can be.


Q. Can I send and receive text messages with pictures or other media?

A:  No


Q. How do I access Zipwhip?

A:  From HUD, click the “Z” icon in the app tray at the top of the screen.  Then click “Go to Zipwhip.”  That’s it.  For more information, you can download our Zipwhip Quick Start Guide, or you can click here for a quick tour. You may also use your Zipwhip account from the Zipwhip Mobile App (iOS & Android). Be sure to have NetFortris Support or Installation team enable your account. Please ensure that you log in to your Zipwhip account from HUD first. Go to Zipwhip Mobile app support articles for download and support info.

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