Dropped Calls - PRI

Dropped Calls - PRI

Troubleshooting dropped calls on a PRI requires that you have a firm understanding of the Linux command line and some basic knowledge about PRI circuits in general.  Please contact Support if you do not meet both of these requirements.

  1. Using a keyboard and monitor connected to your PBXtra , login as root (login as username: ip and password: ip to set a root password if you have not already done so.  The actual steps involved go beyond the scope of this document)

  2. At the root prompt, type wanpipemon -c Ta -i w1g1 and press enter.

You will see output like the following:


***** w1g1: T1 Alarms (Framer) *****

ALOS:    OFF    | LOS:    ON
RED:    ON    | AIS:    OFF
YEL:    OFF    | OOF:    ON

***** w1g1: T1 Alarms (LIU) *****

Short Circuit:    OFF
Open Circuit:    ON
Loss of Signal:    ON


***** w1g1: T1 Performance Monitoring Counters *****

Line Code Violation    : 0
Bit Errors (CRC6/Ft/Fs)    : 0
Out of Frame Errors    : 0

Note the elements bolded in red or highlighted in red.

You should not see 'ON' for any of the 'Framer' or 'Alarms' section.  If you see 'on' for any of the elements, you should immediately contact your carrier (assuming you have not changed anything on your PBXtra ) for troubleshooting.

Also -


calls are frequently tied to

Line Code Violations


Out of Frame Errors

.  If you see any number


than zero for either of these two values, your PRI does not have a clean connection to your provider.  In almost all cases, these errors indicate a problem on the


side, but you can perform a

pattern loopback test

in order to verify the card is not at fault.


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