How do I disable the call waiting notification.

How do I disable the call waiting notification.

Note: These settings may not apply to all phone models.

  1. Log into the Switchvox as an Administrator.

  2. Navigate to Setup-Extensions-Manage.

  3. Click Login As This User.

  4. Navigate to Features-Phone Features.

  5. Under Sounds, disable Play Call Waiting Tone and then click Save Phone Settings.


The settings above do not apply to all phones, if you disable call waiting in the phone settings and you still are getting call waiting notifications then complete the following steps.

  1. Navigate to Setup-Extensions-Manage.

  2. Click Login As This User.

  3. Select Features-Call Rules-Busy Call Rule Sets.

  4. Turn the setting Use Unanswered Call Rule Sets to No.

  5. Click Create Call Rule Set.

  6. Name the rule and leave the Rule Set Time Frame and Rule Set Status options to their default settings.

  7. Select Save Call Rule Set.

  8. Now click Create Action and choose action type Send To Voicemail.

  9. For the Send To Voicemail action settings choose All Calls for Type of Call and Immediately for Number of times to ring previous rule befor sending to voicemail.

  10. Click Save Action.

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