Switchvox 7.0 FAQs

Switchvox 7.0 FAQs

This article contains Frequently Asked Questions related to Switchvox 7.0. The information below supplements the Updating to Switchvox 7.0 article, which provides details on the process required to update to Switchvox 7.0 from version 6.x.

Please read the entire Updating to Switchvox 7.0 article thoroughly in preparation for your Switchvox 7.0 update.

FAQs: Migration

Q. Is the Switchvox 7.0 Installation USB generic or machine-specific?

A. Generic. If you have multiple servers to update, the same USB drive may be used on each. The Migration File drive contains all server-specific content.

Q. The Migration Tool page displays a red banner and reads, “Your current hardware is NOT supported for Switchvox 7.0”. Does this mean I cannot continue to upgrade to Switchvox 7.0?

A. Not necessarily. Switchvox 7.0 has been tested, confirmed to be fully supported and meets published performance/specification levels on the supported Switchvox appliances. It is possible that your current unsupported server may be capable of running version 7.0, provided that it has a 64-bit processor. However, we cannot guarantee any level of performance for an older Switchvox appliance, or an unknown hardware configuration (any scenario outside of a newer Switchvox Appliance, or Switchvox in a VMware environment). If you are using your own hardware and encounter an issue, Switchvox Technical Support will attempt to help you until such time as we determine that the issue may be hardware-related. At that point, we may require that you resolve the issue on your own, or that you use Switchvox in a supported scenario.

If you are running version on one of the supported appliances, and it displays as not supported, please open a technical support case to request guidance.

Q. What performance improvements/changes should I expect when upgrading to Switchvox 7.0?

A. Upgrading to Switchvox 7.0 takes full advantage of the 64-bit operating system. Depending on your hardware configuration and server load, you may enjoy some performance gains. However, updating to Switchvox 7.0 does not increase the stated capacity of your Switchvox appliance (number of concurrent calls, registered device limitations, etc). Further, if you were exceeding these published capacity levels while running Switchvox 6.7 (or otherwise challenging the limits of your hardware’s capabilities), then you may experience a relative performance decline after upgrading.

Q. Are there any changes to faxing or related licensing similar to those made when moving from 5.x to 6.x?

A. No. Switchvox 7.0 does not include any changes to fax handling or related licensing. 

Q. Will I have to go through this lengthy migration process for all future 7.x updates?

A. No. This more involved process is necessary due to the 32-bit to 64-bit OS change. Once on Switchvox 7.0, further updates will use the typical in-software process you are familiar with. Once your migration is complete, you should promptly go to the Updates page to see if there are any additional updates available at that time.

Q. Can I wait for a later version of 7.x to arrive and migrate my 6.x data to that version?

A. No. The update/migration path requires versions and 7.0. Moving through these two exact versions is the only means of data migration available. Later releases of 7.x will not accommodate loading the Migration File you have taken from

Q. Can we continue to use our phones while making the migration file?

A. No, that is not recommended. If there is still activity going on while the migration file is made, that activity will not be reflected in the migration file and will be ‘lost’ once the migration file is applied in 7.0.

Q. Instead of using a USB drive for the Migration File, can I download the Backup or Migration File to my local machine? (Why not?)

A. No. The process of migrating an appliance from 6.x to 7.0 requires the use of a USB drive to build and store the Migration File. The process is not designed to permit this data to be downloaded to a remote workstation. It is more involved than a typical Backup download.

There are a couple key reasons for this process design: First, the speed and performance of a connected USB 3.0 drive will exceed that of most networks, without introducing additional network traffic. Second, the Migration File must be properly structured before it could be in a format for transmission. This build process requires adequate available storage capacity, which may not be available in some servers. The addition of the adequately sized USB drive for this purpose makes the build process viable even if your server hard drive is 70% full, for example.

Please note that if you are using VMware, then a USB drive is not needed as a virtual drive can be used in its place. Please refer to the Updating to Switchvox 7.0 article for further instruction on how this is done.

Q. I have an 80 with a telephony card. What happens when I install 7.0 and apply the migration file from

A. The card and your Channel Groups will function normally as a provider in Switchvox 7.0. It’s important to follow the steps to verify that your Switchvox 7.0 with the migration file is functioning normally.

Q. Do I have to use a Digium Gateway with version 7.0?

A. While Switchvox 7.0 includes full support of Digium Analog and Digital Telephony cards, the E-series  appliances do not have the necessary PCI or PCI-e slots available to install these cards. If you are moving to an E-series appliance and need to replace a telephony card with a Digium Analog or Digital Gateway, please visit Digium VOIP Gateways for more information.

Q. What if we opt not to migrate to 7.0 due to hardware limitations or another reason; will 6.7.x continue to receive bugfix releases in the future? Will there be a 32-bit branch maintained?

A. No. All future releases of Switchvox are planned to be 64-bit, based on 7.0. The final version of 6.x will be

Q. I’ve been using an appliance but have wanted to move to VMware. Can I take this opportunity to do so?

A. Yes. You will follow the Switchvox Appliance Migration Process through the Creating Migration File section, and also complete the Installing Switchvox 7.0 on VMware process. When it comes to Uploading the Migration File, you will need physical access to the host server to connect the USB drive. Then you will shutdown the new 7.0 VM to mount the physical USB drive in the VM configuration, instead of using a Virtual Disk to load the Migration File.

Q. I’m using VMware. Can’t I take a snapshot and then upgrade my current instance?

A. No. The changes in the OS and file system necessitate that the new OVF be deployed and that the Migration File be used to convey the configuration and data from your old instance to the new Switchvox 7.0 one.

Q. In the migration, will I need to make any changes on my Digium Gateway?

A. No changes on the Gateway are required, just follow the instructions for installing Switchvox on an appliance or VMware.

Q. The migration to 7.0 is complete, but I am not seeing the new Conference widget in the Switchboard. What’s wrong?

A. If a user experiences this issue, they should clear their browser cache to resolve this temporary issue.

Q. Does version 7.0 still support older Digium Phones (D40, D45, D50, D70)?

A. Yes, the same firmware for legacy phones is still available in 7.0.

Q. How long will it take to migrate to version 7.0?

A. Please see the release notes Updating to Switchvox 7.0 in the Preparing for Switchvox 7.0 section.

Q. What is included in the migration file?

A. The the Migration File is an enhanced version of a Switchvox Backup. When you create the Migration File, it compiles everything from your current Switchvox installation, including Call Recordings and Logs. After you apply a Migration File, your Switchvox 7.0 installation will contain all your configurations and files.

Q. Does version 7.0 peer to previous versions?

A. If you are running Peered Switchvoxes, we recommend updating both peers (running different versions is not recommended).  With that said, Switchvox 7.0 should be able to advanced peer with, but this is not supported.  Both peers should be on the same version.

Q. I am trying to install 7.0 on a Switchvox 80. The monitor's screen went blank and 7.0 is not installing. What's happening?

A. On a Switchvox 80, you will need to use a monitor that can display 1920x1080 resolution.  

FAQs: Features

Q. Does an admin user need specific permissions to see the system information on the new admin landing page?

A. Yes. An admin user without Read or Read/Write permissions for one or more of the following areas will only see the sections Tours, Integrations, and Visit http://Digium.com : Extensions > Manage; Phones > Digium Phones; Diagnostics > Connection Status; Server Information > Disk Usage; and Maintenance > Updates. Read permission is required for each of these.

Q. Will my existing Meet Me Conference rooms work with the new conference tools?

A. Yes. The new Switchboard widget “Conference Room” and the D80 app will both work on the conference rooms you already have, and on newly created rooms.

Q. Will Simple Conference rooms work with the new conference tools?

A. No, the widget and app are for Meet Me Conferences.

Q. In the Conference Widget or D80 App, if I 'End' a participant are they given any notice?

A. Yes. A system sound plays to let them know they have been removed from the conference.

Q. How many callers does Switchvox 7.0 support in a conference room?

A. Switchvox 7.0 does not have a software limit to the number of callers that can be in a conference room. However, the practical limit would be governed by your server hardware. A Switchvox E540 appliance or adequately resourced VMware host could therefore support up to 1000 callers in a room, as these implementations are each capable of supporting up to 1000 calls.

Q. Will the call pickup feature work even if I leave the Digium Phone extension setting ‘Directed Pickup Ringtone’ on Mute?

A. Yes. The phone-user is able to pick up the call, regardless of that setting. To remove a phone-user’s ability to pick up another’s calls, make changes to the Feature Code extension’s authorized- and target-extensions. See also: Call Pickup for Digium Phones.

Q. The call pickup setting ‘Directed Pickup Ringtone’ isn’t working on my D80. What’s wrong?

A. In firmware version 1.9.5, the phone needs to be restarted to reflect changes to this setting.

Q. Does the Call Pickup feature work on a legacy Digium Phone (e.g., D50 or D70)?

A. The first 3 Rapid Dial buttons should work to use a long-press and pick up that contact's incoming call (unless you have more than 1 SIP account assigned to the phone; secondary SIP accounts reduce the number of Call Pickup items you can have). However, there are no visual changes for the legacy phones.

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