IMG 1010 - ISDN Group



The ISDN Group establishes within an ISDN Channel Group a D Channel that will control a group of b channels or ISDN Circuits configured under it. The ISDN Group also configures the local and network attributes of the b channels that will be controlled by the D Channel selected.

Accessing this Pane:

Dialogic IMG EMS -> Routing Configuration -> Channel Group -> ISDN Group

Related Topics:

To create the ISDN Group object, an ISDN D Channel must first be created. The ISDN D Channels created can be chosen from the drop down menu of the ISDN D Channel field displayed above. Once the ISDN Group has been configured, the ISDN Circuits or B Channels can be created under it.

IMG 1010 - Configuring ISDN Routing

IMG 1010 - ISDN D Channel

IMG 1010 - ISDN Circuits

Maximum Objects:

T1 - 32/ E1 - 24 per Channel Group

ClientView Pane:

ClientView Pane: Software 10.3.x - 10.5.3 SP7.2

ClientView Pane: Software 10.5.3 SP8

Field Descriptions:

ISDN D-Channel

Select from drop down menu the D-Channel that will provide signaling for this ISDN Group. All D Channels configured on IMG will be displayed in the drop down menu.

Network Type

Select from drop down menu a list of all regional carriers supported.

  • Do Not Include Network-Specific Facilities (NSF) IE

  • ATT Software Defined Network

  • ATT Megacom 800 Service

  • ATT Accunet

  • ATT Long Distance Service

  • ATT International 800

  • ATT Multiquest

  • Northern Telecom Private Net

  • Northern Telecom InWats

  • Northern Telecom OutWats

  • Northern Telecom Foreign Exchange

  • Northern Telecom Tie Trunk

  • Northern Telecom TRO Call 

Bearer Capabilities Allowed

The Bearer Capabilities Allowed field is used by the calling party to specify the kind of B Channel that is being requested. Click in this field and a Select Multiple Items box appears. Press CTRL to select multiple capabilities. The drop down menu selections include:

  • Voice (default)

  • 3.1 KHz audio

  • Unrestricted 56K

  • Unrestricted 64K

  • Restricted 64K

  • 384K

  • Unrestricted digital information with tones and announcements 

Discard Privacy Info

The option selected will be removed from the outgoing SETUP message. Below displays the selections in the drop down menu. Refer to the IMG 1010 - Configuring SIP Privacy topic for more information.

  • No (default except for ISDN B Channels)

  • Display Only (default for ISDN B Channels)

  • Generic Number Only

  • Display and Generic Number

  • Calling Party Only

  • Display and Calling Number

  • Calling, Display and Generic 

Call Proceeding IW Procedure

Disabled (Default)- When set to Disabled, the ISDN Call Proceeding to SIP 183 Progress Interworking functionality is disabled. The IMG will NOT interwork the Progress Indicator parameter no matter what its values is.

Enabled- When set to Enabled, the ISDN Call Proceeding to SIP 183 Progress functionality is enabled on the ISDN side. The ISDN Progress Indicator will be interworked into the SIP 183 Progress message if the Progress Indicator value is either No. 1 or No. 8. After enabling the ISDN side, the SIP side must also be configured. This is accomplished under the IMG 1010 - SIP_ISDN Interworking object. For configuration information on the feature, refer to the IMG 1010 - Map ISDN Call Proceeding to SIP 183 topic.

Remove IE in Alerting Message

The presence of the Progress Indicator Information Element in the Alerting message for ISDN may cause incompatibility with another ISDN system. When this information element is not supported, the far end may send a Status information message, which causes the IMG to disconnect the call.

Disabled- When set to Disabled, the IMG will add the Progress Indicator Information Element in the Alerting message.

Enabled- When set to Enabled, the IMG will not add the Progress Indicator Information Element in the Alerting message.


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