Dialogic IMG - IMG 1010 - NFS Server
This pane configures an NFS Server from which the IMG's will retrieve media files.
Accessing this Pane
Dialogic IMG EMS -> External Network Elements -> NFS Servers -> NFS Server
Maximum Objects:
8 per EMS
Related Topics:
IMG 1010 - Configuring an NFS Server
ClientView Pane:
Field Descriptions:
NFS Server Id:
The NFS Server ID field is automatically populated with the next available ID ranging from 1-8. The ID identifies each NFS server configured. It is automatically populated with the next available number but can be changed by selecting a different ID from drop down menu.
NFS Server Enabled:
This field indicates if the server is enabled or disabled
Enabled (Default) |
Disabled |
NFS Server Name:
A label used to identify the NFS server. Click in the NFS Server Name field and enter a name that identifies the server.
NFS Server IP Address:
IP Address of the NFS server. Click in the NFS Server IP address field and an 'Enter IP Address' box will appear. Enter IP address of this NFS server
NFS Mount Directory:
This is the location of the directory that is to be mounted. The directory must start with “/” or “\\”. The default mount point is:
Object Table Tab:
This pane displays all of the NFS Servers configured and important information about each.