Dialogic IMG - IMG 1010 - Service TOD Entry

Dialogic IMG - IMG 1010 - Service TOD Entry

Table of Contents



The Service TOD Table Entry is created under the Service TOD table. The Service TOD Table Entry contains the information needed to play a treatment at a specific time when configuring the service Time of Day Table. Information such as Date and Time to play a treatment and whether to play it once or on a specific schedule is configured in this pane. Multiple Service Time Of Day Entries can be created under a Service Time of Day Table and each entry can be enabled/Disabled as needed.

Accessing this Pane

Dialogic IMG EMS > Routing Configuration > Service Route Tables > Service TOD Table >

Maximum Objects

Up to 5000 entries (See Below)

An IMG will allow up to 66 combined Route Tables, Cause Code Tables, Time Of Day Tables and Service Routing/TOD Tables per Dialogic IMG EMS. The IMG has a max capacity of 100,000 combined entries of the Tables mentioned above. For example: the IMG can support creating 20 Route Tables with each Route Table having 5000 entries.

Related Topics:

IMG 1010 - Service TOD Table

IMG 1010 - Incoming Translation Tables

IMG 1010 - Configuring Pre-call Announcements

ClientView Pane:

Field Descriptions:

Entry ID:

The ID is automatically populated with the next available ID in the list. The ID can be changed by clicking in the ID field and selecting an ID from a drop down menu.


Since the Service Time Of Day Table Entry is part of a list of entries, each individual entry can be enabled or disabled by selecting either True or False in this field.

True - The Service Time of Day Table is enabled and will be used.

False - The Service Time of Day Table is disabled and will not be used.

Route Action Type:

Select from drop down list the treatment to play at the specific time and date specified in the fields below. These treatments are located in /opt/dialogic/common/treatments/datafiles


Select from drop down menu one of the following selections below. Each selection specifies a different criteria that needs to be met.

For each of the selections below (One Time, Every Day, Every Week Day, etc) different criteria needs to be met. If each of the following below is true:

  • The 'Enable' field is set to True

  • The time interval in the (Start Date/End Date : Start Time/End Time) is met.

  • Criteria of the remaining fields are met.

The treatment configured in the 'Route Action Type' field will be played. Once the treatment is played the call will then be routed. This happens with every call coming into the IMG that meets the above criteria. If however not all criteria is met, then a different treatment is played. The treatment played in this scenario will be the treatment configured in the 'Default Treatment' field of the Service Time Of Day Table object configured above this Service Time of Day Entry.

See each entry below and its corresponding screen capture for more information on each Reoccuring Value.


One Time - If the (Start Date/End Date : Start Time/End Time) is met, the treatment configured in the 'Route Action Type' field will be played. Once treatment is played the call will then be routed. This happens with every call coming into the IMG that meets the (Start Date/End Date : Start Time/End Time) criteria. To change the Start and End Dates, click in each field and a Calendar or Clock pop-up will be appear allowing user to adjust each. See screen capture below. Fields in orange and blue are the fields that can be changed when 'One Time' is selected.


Every Day - If the (Start Time:End Time) is met the treatment configured in the 'Route Action Type' field will be played every day Sunday-Saturday during the Time interval configured. This happens with every call coming into the IMG that meets the (Start Time:End Time) criteria. Note that when 'Every Day' is selected, the (Start Date:End Date) cannot be changed. See screen capture below. Fields in orange and blue are the fields that can be changed when 'Every Day' is selected.


Every Week Day - If the configured interval in the (Start Time/End Time) is met the treatment configured in the 'Route Action Type' field will be played Monday - Friday during the time interval configured. Once treatment is played the call will then be routed. This happens with every call coming into the IMG that meets the two criteria of (Monday-Friday and Time Interval). Note that when 'Every Week Day' is selected, the (Start Date / End Date) cannot be changed. See screen capture below. Fields in orange and blue are the fields that can be changed when 'Every Week Day' is selected.


Weekly - If the configured interval in the (Start Time/End Time) and the Days of the Week field arguments are met, the treatment configured in the 'Route Action Type' field will be played. Once treatment is played the call will then be routed. This happens with every call coming into the IMG that meets the two criteria of (Days Selected and Time Interval). Note that when 'Weekly' is selected, the (Start Date / End Date) cannot be changed. Also, the 'Days of the Week' field will allow the user the ability to select any day or day(s) of the week. See screen capture below. Fields in orange and blue are the fields that can be changed when 'Weekly' is selected.


Monthly (nTH day of the month) - If the configured interval in the (Start Date/End Date:Start Time/End Time), the Type of Monthly, and day of the month are met the treatment configured in the 'Route Action Type' field will be played. In the screen capture below the treatment will be played for any calls between April 02, 2009 and August 02, 2009 on the 5th day of each month between 8:00 and 11:00. Once treatment is played the call will then be routed. This happens with every call coming into the IMG that meets the criteria. See screen capture below. Fields in orange and blue are the fields that can be changed when 'Monthly' is selected.


Monthly (nTH occurence of the mTH day of the month) - If the configured interval in the (Start Date/End Date:Start Time/End Time), Type of Monthly, nth occurrence, and day type are met the treatment configured in the 'Route Action Type' field will be played. In the screen capture below the treatment will be played for any calls between April 02, 2009 and August 02, 2009 that come in on the 2nd Monday of each month between the times of 8:00 and 11:00. Once treatment is played the call will then be routed. This happens with every call coming into the IMG that meets the criteria. See screen capture below. Fields in orange and blue are the fields that can be changed when 'Monthly' is selected.


Yearly - If the configured interval in the (Start Date/End Date : Start Time/End Time ) is met, the treatment configured in the 'Route Action Type' field will be played. In the screen capture below the treatment will be played for any calls coming in from April 01, 2009 - April 30, 2009 between 8:00 and 17:00(5:00). Once treatment is played the call will then be routed. See screen capture below. Fields in orange and blue are the fields that can be changed when 'Yearly' is selected.

Start Date:

The Start Date is displayed as Month/Day/Year. The Start Date is the first day of the Start/End Date Interval. Click in this field and a calendar will appear. Select the month, day and year from calendar that appears.

Start Time:

The Start Time is displayed as HH:MM. The Start Time is the beginning of the Start/End Time interval. This field works in conjunction with the Start Date. When you click in the Start Time field, a 24-Hour Clock appears. Use the radio buttons to select the desired time in 5 minute increments.

End Date:

The End Date is displayed as Month/Day/Year. The End Date is the last day of the Start/End Date Interval. Click in this field and a calendar will appear. Select the month, day and year from calendar that appears.

End Time:

The End Time is displayed as HH:MM. The End Time is the end of the Start/End Time interval. This field works in conjunction with the End Date. When you click in the End Time field, a 24-Hour Clock appears. Use the radio buttons to select the desired time in 5 minute increments.

Days of the Week:

The 'Days of the Week' field is used only when the Reoccuring field is set to 'Weekly'. Click in the Days of the Week field and a Select Multiple Items box will appear. This box will display the days of the week. Individual days are selected by holding down the <Ctrl> key and selecting each day. See screen capture above.


When Monthly is selected in the Reoccuring field then the Type of Monthly field and the day of month field can now be changed. There are two separate scenarios that could occur when selecting Monthly. The Type of Monthly field has a drop down menu where either 'nth day of the month' or 'nTH occurrence of the mTH day of the month' can be selected. See Below for explanation of both.

nTH day of the month:

If the nTH day of month is selected from the drop down menu then the user can select which day of the month by selecting 1-31 from the day of month field just below the Type of Monthly field. By doing this, the user can select a particular day of the month. The nTH day of the month can also be used in conjunction with the (Start Date/End Date : Start Time/End Time) to configure an event to happen each month on a specific day at a specific time interval.

nTH occurrence of the mth day of the month:

If the nTH occurrence of the mTH day of the month is selected from the drop down menu then the user can select which occurrence (1st, 2nd, 3rd, 4th or 5th) of a specific day of the week (Sunday-Saturday) for the event to occur. For example a user could configure the IMG to play a specific treatment on the second Monday in the Month of April between 8:00 and 17:00(5:00PM). The screen capture above displays the ClientView object.

day type:

This field is used in conjunction with the nTH occurrence of the mTH day of the month to configure the mTH day. The selections in the drop down menu are Sunday - Saturday.


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