Static - Analog Lines
Physical Connection (Cabling)
A poor physical connection between the PBXtra and the carrier can be the source of static on an analog line.
Disconnect your analog lines from your PBXtra
Connect a regular analog handset to each line (one at a time if you only have one handset)
Dial a known-good number from each line (your cell phone for example)
If every call completes without any static, please continue to the next section
The act of doing this test can also clear actual static electricity that is resident on the line. See the Electrical Grounding section below for more info.
Reseat cards and modules
Often the case with new servers, as modules can come loose during shipping. If the analog cards and modules are not properly seated in their place on the server, you may notice static on your analog calls.
After business hours, power off your system by pressing the power button on the front
When the PBXtra has completely shut down, open up the case
Touch your hand to a bare metal surface to discharge any static electricity
Remove all the analog cards from your system
Disconnect any plugs coming into the card - molex power cable and analog lines
If you have a backplane attaching multiple cards, gently remove it
Pull each analog card up from your system
Pull each module from the card and re-seat it firmly into its socket
Install the analog card
Reattach all cables and the backplane
Close up your system, power it back on, and place a test call
Volume Changes
Click on Options --> echo
Increase the receive volume 2 db at a time when there are no calls in place (or else the system will not pick up the changes) and decrease IP phone volume
Make a test call
If this improves keep increasing receive volume, generally a receive volume of less than 6 dB is high enough
System Resources
Static can be caused by high system resources.
Click on Status --> resources
If the top graph shows any extremely high resource usage, contact Fonality Support (or connect to the PBXtra 's root console and observe the output from top)
Electrical Grounding
Make sure a working molex (power) cable is connected to the analog card. The PBXtra must be powered down first!
Make sure the PBXtra is on a grounded electrical outlet