Using IP Phones Provided By Third Party Vendors
This article does not apply to Dell Fonality PBX and trixbox Pro customers.
This article outlines our re-provisioning policy.
Only supported phones will be accepted for reprogramming (reprovisioning). See section "Can I Provide my Own Phones?" on the Fonality web site.
All phones must already be running SIP firmware (No Skinny SCCP, MGCP, H323, etc.)
Phone configuration must not be locked. Passwords must be provided for each phone.
If phones do not meet above restrictions the order will be rejected.
There is no minumum required for the number of phones to be re-provisioned.
Re-provisioning at Fonality (Customer phones shipped to Fonality)
Shipped to and from Fonality at customer's expense
Re-provisioning costs $55.00 per attempt per phone (see #7 "Each Attempt is Billable" below) plus the standard $45 Configuration Fee per phone.
One must also pay the Annual Software Maintenance and Support fees for any added phones, pro-rated based on how many months are left on your Support agreement. See item 9 below.
Remote re-provisioning of customer phones
Customer must provide the make, model and MAC address of each phone at time of order.
Remote re-provisioning pricing is $75 per attempt per phone (see #7 "Each Attempt is Billable" below) plus the standard $45 Configuration Fee per phone. This is a total of $120.00 for Remote Provisioning.
One must also pay the Annual Software Maintenance and Support fees for any added phones, pro-rated based on how many months are left on your Support agreement. See item 9 below.
Example: To remotely re-provision 5 phones, the cost is $600:
( 6 x $75 Remote Provisioning Fee = $450 ) plus ( 6 x $45 Configuration Fee )Each Attempt is Billable: Fonality will charge the reprogramming fee for EACH attempt to reprogram a customer supplied phone. For example, we try to re-provision 10 phones, and we are only able to reprogram 8 of them for whatever reason, we will charge the fee for 10 phones. We do not guarantee that every phone can be reprogrammed.
Fonality will re-provision *ALL* the phones at one time. This means the customer must ship all the phones together or send all MAC address of remote phones to be re-provisioned.
Each phone provisioned to Fonality must pay for an Annual Software Maintenance and Support Agreement. Please see the Annual Software Maintenance and Support Pricing. The fee is pro-rated based on how many months are left on your agreement.