Names missing from the Company Directory

Names missing from the Company Directory

Every extension on your server that should be available from the Company Directory (or Name Directory) has to be listed as In Name Directory within the extension configuration page.

  1. Click the Extensions tab

  2. Click the extension number in the Ext. column

  3. Under Extension options, set In Name Directory to yes

  4. Under Extension options, set Voicemail Enabled to yes (only voicemail-enabled extensions will work in your Name Directory)

  5. Click the Update Extension button to submit your changes


For callers to reach your Name Directory, you must add the Name-Directory keypress option to the appropriate submenu (typically the MAIN menu).


NOTE: When callers reach your employees using the name directory, the system will not indicate the extension number for that employee when it connects the call.  If you want to share the extension number with your inbound callers, you can have each employee record his/her extension number as part of his/her name greeting.  For an example record: “John Doe, extension 7021” instead of just “John Doe”.

The name greeting is recorded with option 0 in your voicemail settings when you check your messages.

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