Park a call - How do I?
Park a call - How do I?
How do I park a call?
Park a caller using your phone
While you are on a call, press the transfer button on your phone (label varies by model - may say 'trnsfr' or 'trns')
Dial the parking extension. You can find the parking extension for your particular system in the admin control panel under Users/View Users/System extensions and Key Codes. The parking extensions are usually in the 9000-9050, or 9200-9250 range.
PBXtra announces the parked extension (e.g. 9001, 9002, etc.)
Hangup the phone*
- (or hit "transfer" or "send" if you have a phone such as the Aastra 9133i or Grandstream GXP2000).
To retrieve the parked call from any phone in the office:
Dial the previously announced parked extension (9001, 9002, etc.)
Park a caller using HUD3
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