Business Voice - How to Create a Ring Group

Business Voice - How to Create a Ring Group

How Add or edit a Ring Group:

  1. Login into the Business Voice Portal using your Administrator level credentials.

  2. Select Configuration from the menu at the top of the page.

  3. Search and select a Location.

  4. Select Destinations under the Call Configuration in the left side menu.

  5. Select the Ring Groups option to either add or edit a Ring Group

Note: Remember to click Save Changes to System after completing all changes.

Add a new Ring Group:

  1. Select Add New Ring Group.

  2. Enter the Ring Group Name.

  3. Click the ADD button.

Update Ring Group Members:

  1. To add a Member, select an Extension from the Extensions list, then click the <-- icon.

  2. To remove a Member, select an Extension from the Members list, then click the icon.

Additional Setting:

  • Internal Direct Dial for this Ring Group:

  • Display ring group name to members in incoming calls? - Select Yes or No.

  • Ring for seconds - Select the number of seconds the call will ring before going into failover.

  • FAILOVER - Select what happens if the call is not answered.

    • Select and extension to transfer the call to, or the Hangup option

Note: Click the link below to download a copy of the Star2Star Advanced System Configuration Guide. Ring Groups are explained in detail in the document along with examples.


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