How do I avoid accidentally dialing 911?
Sometimes, users will accidentally dial 911 when the Outgoing Call Rules on a server require the users to dial 9 to call outbound. If this becomes a problem it is possible to set up call rules that let users dial an 8 instead.
Go to Setup > Outgoing Calls > Create Outgoing Call Rule
Rule Name (can be any descriptive label such as: Dial 8)
Number begins with the digits: enter the number 8
The rest of the number must be between 10 and 10 digits (enter 10 in the blanks).
Before connecting the call, trim: enter a 1 here.
…digits from the front, and then prepend the digits: enter a 1 here
Call Through: click to choose the provider name or Any Provider.
Is this rule final? Select Yes
Allow all existing extensions to use this rule? Select Yes to allow everyone to use this rule.
Steps 5 and 6 depend on whether your provider requires the prefix 1.
Alternative: you can allow 10 digit dialing without the 8 prefix. In this case, leave the field blank in step 3.
See also: How do I Set Up Switchvox for Emergency Dialing?.