IMG 1010 - SIP From: Header Tags (10.5.1_ER1 and above)


Use this pane to configure how the IMG interworks the ISUP Originating Line Information tag in the SIP From: header. The 'SIP From Header Tags' object allows the IMG to add or limit the ISUP Originating Line Information parameter between the incoming and outgoing leg of a call. The Originating Line Information Parameter can be interworked from SIP to ISUP and ISUP to SIP. See below for more information on configuring the ISUP Originating Line Information parameter.

Note: In software 10.5.3_ER1 feature F-5090 Mapping of ISDN Subaddress to SIP URI was added. The ISDN calling party subaddress can now be interworked into the SIP protocol using the 'isub' and 'isub encoding' parameters. By interworking these two parameters, the ISDN calling Party Subaddresses as well as its encoding type can be passed between ISDN and SIP as well as SIP and ISDN.

Accessing this Pane:

Dialogic IMG EMS -> Profiles -> SIP Profile -> SIP From Header Tags

Maximum Objects:  

1 SIP From: Header Tag object per SIP SGP object

Related Topics:

IMG 1010 - SIP Profile - 10.5.3

IMG 1010 - SIP ISUP CPC Mapping (10.5.1_ER1 and above)

IMG 1010 - Originating Line Information ISDN-SIP

IMG 1010 - ISUB Encoding ISDN - SIP

ClientView Pane (Software Version 10.5.3 ER1)

Field Descriptions:

In software version 10.5.1_ER1 the ISUP CPC field and Unmapped Values field were moved to the 'SIP ISUP CPC Mapping' Pane which is created under the SIP SGP Profile object) - see IMG 1010 - SIP ISUP CPC Mapping (10.5.1_ER1 and above)


Disable (Default)- The isup-oli value received in the Originating Line Information Parameter from either the SIP 'From:' Header or ISUP 'IAM/SETUP' message is not passed between the two protocols.

Enable- The isup-oli value received in the Originating Line Information Parameter from either the SIP 'From:' Header or the ISUP 'IAM/SETUP' message will be passed between the two protocols.

ISUB Encoding:

The ISUB Encoding field is set to Disable by Default. See ISUB Encoding ISDN-SIP link above for more information.

Disable (Default)- When Disable is selected, interworking of the ISDN Subaddresses into SIP can not be accomplished.

Enable: When Enable is selected, the IMG will interwork ISDN Subaddresses to SIP isub and isub encoding parameters and the isub and isub encoding parameters will be interworked into ISDN Subaddresses.

ClientView Pane (before 10.5.3 ER1):

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