Getting Started with HUD

Getting Started with HUD

Before using the HUD application, please read this document to become more familiar with enabling extensions and configuring your groups to give your HUD users a smooth experience. HUD is a very flexible and powerful program. Because of its flexibility, it requires more configuration and planning than a simple program. Be sure to plan adequate time to set up your HUD program to fit your business.

HUD is only available for specific versions of Outlook and Windows, and the Macintosh (Mac) OS. All supported versions are listed below:

OS: Windows Vista Windows XP Windows 2003 Server Mac OS X 10.4
Outlook (Windows only): 2003 2007

Other OS/Outlook combinations are not supported.

Which Version of HUD is right for you?

There are currently different versions of HUD available from Fonality. Please review the features of each one to decide which version is right for you! Click the link below for an up-to-date side-by-side comparison of each version:




The installation and setup process for HUD is a number of steps. Note that the first step is not “download and install”. It’s important that these steps be performed in order.

  1. Order HUD from Fonality

  2. Enable HUD for each extension

  3. Set up “Rights”

  4. Downloading and Installing HUD.

Each of these steps is documented in detail below so that you’ll know how to configure HUD for your business.

Order HUD from Fonality

Fonality provides the HUD software as an optional add-on to PBXtra . There is a fee associated with this upgrade. You must first submit your order, and make sure Fonality has processed it, and notified you by email before using these instructions. If you proceed without this, your HUD program simply won’t work at all. For information about how to order HUD, please contact your authorized Fonality dealer, or contact Fonality Directly at sales@fonality.com or 877-FONALITY.


Enable HUD for each extension

By default HUD comes with no extension numbers in it. You must first add extensions to it. That means that your users will not be able to log in until you specify their extensions as “In HUD”. Begin by logging into the PBXtra Admin Web Interface at the following URL:

Normal Customers

Customers enrolled in BETA program




Note: If you have more than one PBXtra , you must specify which PBXtra server number you want HUD installed on. The server number is listed on the bottom right corner of your Control Panel. If you wish to have HUD on multiple servers, you must purchase HUD for each individual server.

Once you are logged in, click on the “Extensions” tab. For each extension you want to include in HUD in its display, edit the extension and enable the “In HUD” option by setting it to “yes”.



•Only the extension numbers you mark as “In HUD” will be able to use HUD. If a username/password for an extension without this setting is used, the login will fail.

•Only extensions marked as "In HUD" (with the proper rights.See rights section) are seen in HUD.If you are not a Call Center Edition customer, all extensions will display by default.


Setting up Rights (Call Center customers)

Note: This feature is available only for customers who selected the PBXtra Professional Edition or Call Center Edition products. If you have PBXtra Standard Edition , please proceed to STEP 3 below.

The “Rights” assigned to each extension determine what the user of that extension number is able to do within the software. You may configure the rights by groups of extensions using the “groups” submenu under the “Extensions” tab in the PBXtra Admin Web Interface.

Understanding Rights

Rights are controlled on a group basis. Extension numbers belong to groups. While we have provided some default groups, we suggest you create groups that represent the logical groupings in your company (sales, support, managers, etc.). Once you define your own groups, and add extensions (users) to them, you can then assign the rights for each group so that the members of the group get the rights.


There are two types of HUD rights:

Self Rights

Group Rights

These rights control what a user can do with his/her own extension within HUD.


You can find these groups in the PBXtra


Rights Group :: HUD self-rights 

These rights control what a user can do to members of other groups within HUD.


You can find these groups in the PBXtra


Rights Group :: HUD group-to-group rights


Group-to-group rights can be confusing, so take some time to look at them carefully to understand what they are doing. HUD rights give you the flexibility to prevent those users from performing actions or seeing information that you feel may not be appropriate for them. For example, you probably want to restrict who can record the CEO’s calls.


In this example we have a simple company with a support and sales department, with respective managers. The company also has a receptionist. For simplicity, this example uses extension numbers to represent people.

The following is a breakdown of the people in the company and their position.



Support Mgr

Sales Mgr
















·First create your groups, and then assign rights to them. Do not attempt to assign any rights until you have created all your groups. Using this approach will simplify the configuration process for you.


  1. Create all of your groups

    1. Create a rights group called “Support” and add extensions 7400, 7401, and 7402 to the “Users in Group” box and click “Add Rights Group” at the bottom of the page.

    2. Create a rights group called “Sales” and add extensions 7600, 7601, and 7602 to the “Users in Group” box and click “Add Rights Group” at the bottom of the page.

    3. Create a rights group called “Support Manager” and add extension 7004 to the “Users in Group” box and click “Add Rights Group” at the bottom of the page.

    4. Create a rights group called “Sales Manager” and add extension 7006 to the “Users in Group” box and click “Add Rights Group” at the bottom of the page.

    5. Create a rights group called “Reception” and add extension 7000 to the “Users in Group” box and click “Add Rights Group” at the bottom of the page.

  2. Add rights to each group

    1. Now that your groups are created, it’s time to assign rights to them. The first right we want to apply will allow managers to see, barge and record calls only from their own department. We will also allow managers to record their own calls. We will allow the receptionist to see all extensions in the company and transfer calls to them. We also want each person from the sales and support department to see everyone in their department and be able to transfer calls to them, including their manager. Members of each department will be restricted from seeing any details about their manager’s calls.

  3. Edit the “Support” group.

    1. In “HUD self-rights” add “Transfer call from my extension” to “Current Self Rights”.

    2. In “HUD group-to-group rights #1” add “See other’s extensions”, “Show other’s call detail”, “Show other’s call state”, “Transfer to other’s extension”, and “Transfer call to VM” to “Current HUD Rights”. Then add “Support” to “Current Groups”.

    3. In “HUD group-to-group rights #2” add “See other’s extensions”, “Show other’s call state”, “Transfer to other’s extension”, and “Transfer call to VM” to “Current HUD Rights”. Then add “Support Manager” to “Current Groups”.

    4. Click “Update Rights Group” at the bottom of the page.

  4. Edit the “Sales” group.

    1. In “HUD self-rights” add “Transfer call from my extension” to “Current Self Rights”.

    2. In “HUD group-to-group rights #1” add “See other’s extensions”, “Show other’s call detail”, “Show other’s call state”, “Transfer to other’s extension”, and “Transfer call to VM” to “Current HUD Rights”. Then add “Sales” to “Current Groups”.

    3. In “HUD group-to-group rights #2” add “See other’s extensions”, “Show other’s call state”, “Transfer to other’s extension”, and “Transfer call to VM” to “Current HUD Rights”. Then add “Sales Manager” to “Current Groups”.

    4. Click “Update Rights Group” at the bottom of the page.

  5. Edit the “Support Manager” group.

    1. In “HUD self-rights” add “Transfer call from my extension” and “Record my calls” to “Current Self Rights”.

    2. In “HUD group-to-group rights #1” add “Barge”, “Record other’s calls”, “See other’s extensions”, “Show other’s call detail”, “Show other’s call state”, “Transfer to other’s extension”, and “Transfer call to VM” to “Current HUD Rights”. Then add “Support” to “Current Groups”.

    3. Click “Update Rights Group” at the bottom of the page.

  6. Edit the “Sales Manager” group.

    1. In “HUD self-rights” add “Transfer call from my extension” and “Record my calls” to “Current Self Rights”.

    2. In “HUD group-to-group rights #1” add “Barge”, “Record other’s calls”, “See other’s extensions”, “Show other’s call detail”, “Show other’s call state”, “Transfer to other’s extension”, and “Transfer call to VM” to “Current HUD Rights”. Then add “Sales” to “Current Groups”.

    3. Click “Update Rights Group” at the bottom of the page.

  7. Edit the “Reception” group.

    1. In “HUD self-rights” add “Transfer call from my extension” to “Current Self Rights”.

    2. In “HUD group-to-group rights #1” add “See other’s extensions”, “Show other’s call detail”, “Show other’s call state”, “Transfer to other’s extension”, and “Transfer call to VM” to “Current HUD Rights”. Then add “Sales”, “Support”, “Sales Manager”, and “Support Manager” to “Current Groups”.

    3. Click “Update Rights Group” at the bottom of the page.

Downloading and Installing HUD

Once you have configured your HUD rights, you will be ready to download the HUD application software from the Internet.


  • If you have not (1) set up who is “In HUD” and (2) configured your rights groups, you should do that before you attempt to install HUD. If you don’t, nobody will be able to log into HUD. If you don’t set up your rights groups, your HUD software will not show any information when you launch it. See the prior sections of this guide for information about setting up your rights groups.

  • PBXtra

Standard Edition users do not set up rights. Everyone is allowed to do everything. Note that the Barge and Call Recording features are not available without PBXtra Call Center Edition .


To download the HUD installer, please use this link:



Click the “DOWNLOAD” button to download the latest version.


Save the installer to your Desktop (or another directory of your choice) and run the installer once the download is complete.


Once HUD installs, run the application. It will ask you for your username and password. These are the same used by the extension/user to login to the User Web Control Panel. You can assign these in the PBXtra Admin Web Interface in the “Extensions” tab. In the detailed settings for each extension set “Web Username” and “Web Password”

Note: Extensions must be marked as “In HUD” in the Control Panel before they can login via the HUD application.

Note: If you have multiple PBXtra ’s, and purchase HUD for one or more, your HUD application will properly sync to the correct server based on your PBXtra extension username and password. Once the HUD application accepts your username and password, your HUD’s advanced settings will be automatically populated.

Using the HUD application

Much of the interaction with HUD is performed via drag-and-drop, or right clicking extensions. Here are some of the main features in HUD. Here are some of the most commonly used features in HUD.


Instructions for use of popular features

Transferring a call

Drag the active call to another extension. The software is set to perform a blind transfer by default. In order to see transfer options when dragging the call to another extension, the blind transfer option needs to be disabled in HUD. Please see below the feature listing for instructions.

Starting a new call

Double click and extension or right click an extension and select “Call” to create a call to another extension.

Sending a call to your voicemail

Click the mail icon in your “My Extension” area (the top section) when your extension is ringing or when you are on a call.

<o:p> </o:p>

Recording a call

Click the "Record" button in your "My Extension" area (the top section) when your extension is on a call.

Barging a call (join an existing call)

Right click an extension when they are on a call and select “Barge”.All barged calls start as “muted” so that the barged parties are unaware of your presence.

Record another extension’s call

Right click the extension on an active call and select “Record”.

In order to have the transfer menu appear, we need to first disable the blind transfer option in HUD:

1.Click on 'file'. 2.Choose 'settings'. 3.Click on 'Call Transfer'. 4.Uncheck the 'Enable Blind Transfer upon release of mouse'. 5.Click 'apply'. 6.Click 'close'.

The next transfer that is performed will pop-up a menu.

NOTE: The recordings made via HUD are accessible within the Control Panel for that extension in the "ACD" tab under "Recording" and may be listened to or deleted.

Using HUD at a Remote Location

You may use HUD at a remote location. Please see How do I configure HUD for remote use? for details on how to configure your network, and the remote computer(s)

Using HUD with Linked Servers

Currently, HUD does not display contacts across linked servers. HUD will only show you the user base on your server. We are in the process of developing the next iteration of our HUD software - HUD3 - which will provide support for contacts among all servers in a linked environment.

If you need the ability to transfer calls to a destination on a linked server, you will need to setup the following:

  1. Virtual extension on your server pointing to the destination on the linked server

Mark this virtual extension as 'in HUD' in the Extension's page, then forward this extension to the destination extension.

The new virtual extension will appear in your HUD contacts window, and you will be able to drag-and-drop calls to this extension in order to transfer across the linked environment.

With the introduction of HUD3, this article will become obsolete.

Enabling add-on modules for HUD

We are glad you have chosen to upgrade your HUD! Now that you have upgraded, you will need to enable the new modules for your HUD client. This process is easy and needs to be done once for each HUD client.

  1. Open your HUD client.

  2. Click "file" in the menu bar, then "Settings."

  3. In the settings window select the "connection" tab and then press the "Default" button. Your new modules will now be loaded!

  4. If you want to verify they are loaded click "help" in the menu bar and click "about." The "modules" tab has information on which modules your client has enabled. Enjoy your new HUD features!


Thank You for purchasing HUD!


Please enjoy the product. In the “Help” menu you can report bugs, or make suggestions for enhancements to the software.

Misc Information

HUD is written in Java and uses the IRC protocol (HUD Server - installed on your PBXtra ) for various communication functions.

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