Support Services - Blue screen when accessing BIOS on some motherboards
If you are experiencing a blue screen when trying to access BIOS on a Digium 310, 360, or 380 server, or custom server using a specific motherboard, please read:
There is a date dependent bug that causes this behavior on some of the Supermicro X9 boards.
When you try to access the BIOS, you will get a blue screen with the letters AB in the lower right hand corner on the bios and not be able to proceed.
For more information, please see the link below (NOTE: this is not a Digium or Sangoma site):
Supermicro X9SCD won't enter BIOS (error code: AB)
To resolve this in Switchvox:
Go to /admin > Server > System Clock
Set System Clock to Manual and choose a date prior to 2021.
Save System Clock (NOTE: This will drop all active calls and restart software)
Then Reboot the server and you should be able to access BIOS on boot up.
Once done doing you maintenance do not forget to set the System Clock back to NTP and save (NOTE: This will drop all active calls and restart software)
Additional KB: Sangoma Support